Offres de vente
Coordonnées de la société
GFI Greenfood International B.V. | |
Civilité | Monsieur |
Nom | Aalt |
Prénom | Van de Kraats |
Fonction | Director |
Adresse | Stenenkamerseweg 33 |
Adresse (2) | |
Ville | Putten |
Code postal | 3882 NE |
Pays | Pays-Bas |
Téléphone | +31-341-411085 |
Fax | +31-341-411089 |
Détails de l'offre
Céréales (blé, orge, maïs, épeautre) | |
Description | Organic - Grains & Beans We carefully selected the following products. Would you like to know more about our grains & beans? Please feel free to contact us. Grains: Wheat Barley Rye Triticale Oats Corn Durem wheat Sorghum Beans: Soy bean feed Peas Horsebeans Fair Trade We work according to the Fair Trade IBD principle. Fair Trade IBD is an international quality mark for organic agriculture and people & work. Owner of Fair Trade IBD is a Brazilian institute: Instituto Biodinâmico for Rural Development (IBD). |
Categorie | Céréales dérivés |
Marque | |
Validité | |
Anonyme | 0 |
Emballage | |
Incoterms | CFR-COST AND FREIGHT (...named port of destination) |
Origine | Pays-Bas |
Certification | Other |
Date de certification | |
Conditionnement | |
Date limite de consommation | 0000-00-00 |
Date limite de vente | 0000-00-00 |