Offres de vente
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At Bio Nutraceuticals, we produce, process, and package a range of natural ingredients such as Baobab, Moringa, Hibiscus, Orange flesh sweet potato, fonio, and Raw cocoa powders for local and export markets. Our focus is on providing our customers with natural, nutrient-dense ingredients that are sustainably sourced and support local communities.

We buy and sell a wide range of organic and in-conversion grain of both domestic and imported origin.
Feed wheat
Milling wheat
Milling Oats
Feed Oats
Soya Beans
Feed barley
Malting barley
Oilseed rape

Beyond our production capabilities, at Timeless we are implementing our sustainability strategy which clearly identifies ways we can reduce our environmental footprint on the planet. Internally, we have a policy for reusing and recycling cardboard, plastic, wood, and metal.

For your kind info, our juice concentrates are packed in 220 lit Aseptic bags in steel Drums.

We are specialized in Pomegranate, apple and kiwi. Now we are in the season of Pomegranate, apple and kiwi Fresh Fruit. We can supply them with competitive price and best quality for your company.
· Our Pomegranate is in 5 Kg ± 200g luxury carton boxes with the counts/sizes of 9 – 12 – 15 – 18. Also 22 based on order.
· One 40' Reef container contains 22 pallets and 2926 carton boxes with average 14500 Kg net weight.

which is consisting of three stigmas together with style that they dried and finally make your food color-full and tasty.

We are specialized in Pomegranate, apple and kiwi. Now we are in the season of Pomegranate, apple and kiwi Fresh Fruit. We can supply them with competitive price and best quality for your company.

Our beehives are placed in León, Burgos and Cantabria in Spain. Nowadays, we product and pour our items, that get to more than 500 points in Spain and Europe.
We sell to individuals, shops, consumers associations and distributers. We guarantee quality products, thanks to the Ecological and Handmade Certificates. The products are sent to the places ordered guaranteed.
Our products have been mimed in their elaboration and presentation. Visit our product’s section to verify it.