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L'annuaire Greentrade

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Offre N°
Japan Organic & Natural Foods Association
Jus concentrés
Description : 100% Organic jujube certified

jujube fruit for weight loss

0 addition
Fruits legumes
Japan Organic & Natural Foods Association
Fruits secs
Description : Dried jujube fruit nutritional benefits

Jujube may not have a large amount of any one nutrient, jujubes contain a wide array of different ones, including magnesium, potassium, copper, niacin, calcium, manganese, phosphorus, and iron. They contain 20 times more vitamin C than any citrus fruit, strengthening the immune system and fighting infections, which may be why they've been used medicinally for millennia in many cultures, as a tea for sore throat, for example.
Fruits legumes
Japan Organic & Natural Foods Association
Fruits frais
Description : Organic certified with high fiber

100% natural & sweet taste

Large output

Best quality guarantee
Fruits legumes
Fruits frais
Description : Vente de Kiwis, Clémentines, Oranges, Noisettes, Pomelos de Corse. Bio et Conventionnel. Tous nos produits viennent de nos producteurs corses.
Plantes aromatiques medicinales
Plantes médicinales
Description : Medicinal and aromatic plants

We grow large plantations of aromatic and medicinal plants:
Helichrysum Italicum,Salvia Officinalis and Melissa Officinalis. We also make oil from the same ones.
Plantes aromatiques medicinales
Plantes aromatiques
Description : We are producer for several kinds of herbs, spices and their essential oils, especially we have long term experience on oregano and oregano oil. Also we have dried fruits, sunflower and nuts varieties with thanks to our local farmers. Our power comes from to be close the local farmers and to have quality products on sorting and griding process of raw materials.
Certification And Testing Centre
Autres boucherie, charcuterie
Description : Fresh Organic beef meat
Plantes aromatiques medicinales
Plantes médicinales
Description : Rosemary
Autres huiles
Description : We are a company located in Armenia. we are producing high quolity pomegranate seed organic certified oil and conventional pomegranate seed oil.
Céréales dérivés
Control Union
Oléagineux, protéagineux (colza, tournesol, soja, sésame, pois, fèves)
Description : We are producers ad exporters of organic sunflower seeds high oleic and linoleic, organic sunflower cake expeller and organic oil, organic soybeans and rapeseeds. We guarantee full traceable supply chain from the farm to the consumer.
Céréales dérivés
Control Union
Céréales (blé, orge, maïs, épeautre)
Description : We are producers ad exporters of organic feed and milling wheat, feed yellow corn, barley, and other grains, cereals and pulses. We guarantee full traceable supply chain from the farm to the consumer.
Nettoyage & hygiène écologiques
Nettoyage & hygiène écologiques pour particuliers
Description : Notre société importe du Vietanm une gamme de pailles en bambou naturel, zéro déchet, lavables et réutilisables, biodégradables et compostables.
Longueur 14 cm
Longueur 20 cm
Longueur 20 cm à gros diamètre pour smoothies, granitas, milkshakes, gazpachos
Longueur 22 cm
Nettoyage & hygiène écologiques
Nettoyage & hygiène écologiques pour professionnels
Description : Notre société importe du Vietanm une gamme de pailles en bambou naturel, zéro déchet, lavables et réutilisables, biodégradables et compostables.
Longueur 14 cm
Longueur 20 cm
Longueur 20 cm à gros diamètre pour smoothies, granitas, milkshakes, gazpachos
Longueur 22 cm
Description :
Textile biologique
100% Coton
Teinture vegetale
Description :
Textile biologique
100% Coton organique
Teinture végétale
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Agence Bio



Inter Bio Bretagne
