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L'annuaire Acheteurs de Greentrade

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Offre N°
Café, thé, chocolat
Cacao, chocolat
Description : Rapadura Sugar
Autres ingredients
Description : I look only for raw materials and not processed foods ( with chocolate probably the only exception)

I also buy IQF Fruits and veggies ( also dried fruits and dried spices )

Basically we buy a lot of different products to offer our customers a one stop shop for organic products ( we don’t do fresh produce )

We buy only bulk packaging ( either big bags or 25KG bags or similar )
And we repack in to our own retail packaging.

Delivery place : South of Africa
Fruits legumes
Fruits ou légumes surgelés
Description : I buy IQF Fruits and veggies ( also dried fruits and dried spices )
Autres ingredients
Description : We do whole sale raw produce, but we also process.
Quantities depend on the product.
Almonds, Hazelnuts, Wheatflour and Spelt flour we buy in container loads, Chocolate, sugar or cocoa powdred I buy only 1 – 2t at a time.
Fruits legumes
Fruits secs
Description : I\'m a buyer for sweet dried organic raspberries
Céréales dérivés
Autres cereales derives
Description : Organic Quinoa
autres Textile
Description : i\'m interested in organic dog beds
Description : i\'m interested in organic fabrics
Semences en vrac
Description : i\'m looking for sunflower, millet, safflower and other seeds
Autres semences
Description : i\'m looking for sunflower, millet, safflower and other seeds
Epices condiments
Autres epices condiments
Description : i\'m looking for aromatic herbs and also camomile and other plants
Fruits legumes
Légumes secs
Description : i\'m interested in dehidrated carrot, peas, redbeat, leak and others
Fruits legumes
Fruits secs
Description : i\'m interested in dried strawberry, apple, pear and other dried fruits
Fruits legumes
Fruits ou légumes déshydratés
Description : i\'m interested in dehidrated carrot, peas, redbeat, leak and others
Céréales dérivés
Céréales (blé, orge, maïs, épeautre)
Description : I\'m looking for corn, wheat, triticale, oat and others to be used in animal food.
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Agence Bio



Inter Bio Bretagne
