Press Release - Bio Market Info /, Liebigstraße 12, 36341 Lauterbach,
T: 0049- (0)6641-5198, F: 0049- (0)6641-5189,
E-Mail:, Corinna Offeneÿ

Lauterbach, 2006-03-09

Ladies and Gentlemen,

the EU-Commission is about to reach a decision on what constitutes organic agriculture, how it should be defined and the direction in which it should develop. What committed individuals and organisations have achieved by working in consensus will in future be dealt with by the agriculture bureaucracy in Brussels

As you have no doubt already heard or read, the Organic Regulation 2092/91 is under discussion - and as a consequence the whole organic industry in its present form. For weeks now, there has been a storm of criticism from organisations in the organic industry about the process and the content of the revision.

You can read more at:

Criticism of the Amendment to the EU-Organic Regulation

We would be most grateful if you could send a protest letter to Brussels to lend weight to the demands of the eco-organisations in Europe. You can, of course, formulate your own letter or you can use the one we have prepared:

Letter of Protest to the EU-Commissioner for Agriculture M. Fischer-Boel

In the opinion of Organic-Market.Info: it is up to the organic industry as a whole to define what organic means and not the EU-Commission!

Of course you can forward this mail to your friends and partners.

Hoping for your support

Yours sincerely

Kai Kreuzer Karin Heinze Corinna Offeneÿ

All Wex




Agence Bio



Inter Bio Bretagne
