Offres de vente
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We have a very nice range of products: creams, salts, mud, shampoo, hair masks, massage oils... for both retail and professional uses.
All beef produced will be certified and fully traceable organic Irish beef.
We have the possibility to increase our production levels if required.
Our specs for granulated :
C-Organic : > 13%
C/N Ratio : 15 - 25
pH : 4 - 9
Moisture : 6 - 12 %
Size : 2 - 4 mm > 85%
These are compost, chicken manure and animal dung for the materials.
Our organic fertilizer are suitable for all kind of fruits, vegetables, rice, cassava, cocoa.
Besides we possible to produce specs as per your request.
If you interested in our products, please feel free to contact us for more information.
Green Marjoram - Marjoram gray - basil - parsley - dill - Chamomile Flowers - Hibiscus Flowers - Calendula Flowers-oregano - peppermint - rosemary – thyme We have also dried jasmine
1 - fennel seeds ( 99 % purity )
2 - caraway seeds
3 - coriander seeds
4 - anise seeds
5 - fenugreek seeds
6- sesame seed ( white – brown – gold )
7- flax seeds
1) Andropogan Moricatos (vettiver).
Packings through APEDA Authorised Packhouses.Packings in Carton packs 2"*2"- weight 1kg.
Transhipment by AIR only.Ability to supply 10kg perweek.
Inspection Agency - Plant Quarantine Officials of APEDA Govt of India.

baby leaf lettuce
Rucola / Wild Rocket
Green Batavia/Cos - Insalata Verde
Red Batavia /Cos - Insalata Rosso
Red Chard
Spinach / Spinacino
Multileaf Red
Multileaf Green
Multileaf Butterhead Green
Multileaf Butterhead Red
Teen Spinach

- 10 fois plus riche que le fumier traditionnel
- sans odeur
- allège et régénère la terre par sa richesse en matière organique et micro-organismes
- stimule la croissance des plantes grâce à ses éléments nutritifs et oligo-éléments
- ne brûle pas même en surdosage
- fertilise en profondeur tous les sols
- sa granulométrie fine permet d'aérer efficacement toutes les terres
- supprime l'effet traumatisant des transplantations
- à mélanger avec tous supports de culture (terreau, terre de bruyère, terre végétale)
Abricot bio figue bio
Nectarine bio pêche bio
Pêche plate bio
Prune bio
figue de barbarie bio
figue de barbarie brossé sans épines bio
grenade bio
amande bio
pistache bio
citron bio
maltaise bio
thomson bio
selon saison

Derived from secular tree with a natural cultivation, no chemical applied, harvest with hand directly to the tree and immediately processed. Oil without treatment only phisical extraction and perfect conservation without plastic contenitor. Only iron and glass. Availability of only 2.000 bottled of 50 cl. Hig quality certified. Please send me a request for free sample of 25 cl. to taste the better quality oil of Sicily. From Ragusa.