Plantes aromatiques medicinales bio
Offres de vente
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Nous garantissons une traçabilité optimale tout au long de la production en ayant un contrôle depuis la plante jusqu’à l’extrait commercialisé.
Huile essentiel de menthe poivrée
Huile essentiel d'armoise
Huile essentiel de thym
Huile essentiel d'origan
Huile essentiel d'eucalyptus
Huile essentiel de romarin
Huile essentiel de cèdre de l'atlas
Huile essentiel de Lavande
Rosa canina
- Aneth BIO
- Armoise BIO
- Bourrache BIO
- Fleurs d'oranger bigaradier BIO
- Laurier BIO
- Lavande BIO
- Livèche BIO
- Marjolaine BIO
- Mélisse BIO
- Menthe BIO
- Origan BIO
- Oseille BIO
- Persil BIO
- Romarin BIO
- Rose BIO
- Sauge BIO
- Thym BIO
- Verveine BIO.

Hallo and hope all go right
We are glad to present our company to join your suppliers list if possible .
Our company under name PURESPICE CO. as Egyptian producer & exporter of herbs and spices all over the year.
Have ISO 9001 , FDA 14095592890 ,Organic (EOCA) certificates .
Our most products as following :
Spearmint - Peppermint - Basil - Sag - Parsley sundry & machine dry -Dill sundry& machine dry - Coriander machine dry - Thyme- Chamomile -Calendula - Lemongrass- Marjoram-Rosemary Fennel seeds- Anise seeds Caraway seeds Coriander seeds .
We ready to deliver several forms for green leaves cargo as
- Large cut ( 4-5 mm)
- Middle cut( 3-4 mm)
- Fine cut ( 1-2 mm)
- Powder
We ready to deliver several forms & purity for seeds
- Whole seeds purity up to 99.9%
- Fine cut seeds( TBC)
- Powder
For more details about Packing, container capacity, our farms ,.. kindly visit our web site below.
We assuring you very good services for your requests and your cooperation to open new business term with our company will appreciated
Looking to your near inquiry
Mr Osama Zaher

Can offer up to 20 tons yearly in metal or plastic barrels.

0.025% up to 0.1% oil by direct steam distilation of fresh Rose petals.
No preservatives.

An organic supplier of bulk ingredients, specializing in sustainability and the direct sourcing and supply of organic certified spices, herbs, and extracts of medicinal herbs.
Our organic house specializes in bulk herbs and spices in addition to hundreds of other organic and all natural medicinal herb derivatives such as freshly dried roots, leaves, barks, flowers and powders. Whether it's a hard to find herb root, bark, leaf, or flower that you seek, we probably have it.
Some of our products are certified organic as to meet the guidelines of USDA for NOP/NPOP standards and EEC 2091/2092 for European markets.
quantité souhaitée
We have our own farm about ( 630 hectares ), at FARAFRA, New Valley governorate.
We are working on the arts of organic farming for purpose of manufacturing & exporting organic products without any residuals nor pesticides.
So, our farm products is in harmony with the universal world nature & befitting of human being.

Eko aromatik was founded in 2015. Our main business is the production and processing of essential oils.
Continual investment in human resources and modern processes of cultivation and production guarantees the quality of our products.
vegan friendly
proven results