Offres de vente
Coordonnées de la société
Ziegler & Co. GmbH Naturprodukte | |
Civilité | Monsieur |
Nom | Christof |
Prénom | Goetz |
Fonction | Managing Director |
Adresse | Dr.-Hohenner-Strasse 4 |
Adresse (2) | |
Ville | Wunsiedel |
Code postal | 95632 |
Pays | Allemagne |
Téléphone | 0049923299180 |
Fax | 00499232991840 |
Détails de l'offre
Céréales (blé, orge, maïs, épeautre) | |
Description | Connecting organic agriculture and food industry as sourcing and food processing specialist since the early 2000´s. Worldwide customers in organic food, health food, baby food and gluten-free food in industry and trade trust in both the quality and safety of our products and our reliability as supplier. |
Categorie | Céréales dérivés |
Marque | |
Validité | |
Anonyme | 0 |
Emballage | |
Incoterms | CFR-COST AND FREIGHT (...named port of destination) |
Origine | Allemagne |
Certification | Other |
Date de certification | |
Conditionnement | |
Date limite de consommation | 0000-00-00 |
Date limite de vente | 0000-00-00 |