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Liquid fertilizer
Agpro Organic
Mix 1 ml Agpro Organic fertilizer with 1 lt. of water. Spray at two week interval. Use at least 4 times in one crop. Deficiency of Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potash and other Micro nutrients are supply by this one product. Photos of deficiency on plant are shown as follow. Soil application is also possible mixing with locally available organic fertilizer in 1ml: 1kg basis.

Organic Compost Activator
Wastewater Treatment Applicator
- Pond water culture
- Treatment applicator
Feed Additive
Please find below a brief list of the Agricultural benefits provided by the use of the geo-minerals product.
This -mineral reduces fertiliser costs by up to 50% and is typically applied at 3.7 ton/hectare (370grams/m2)this mineral creates more vigorous growth in Grasses, Plants and all types of Crops
this mineral organically re-mineralises and is retained in the soil for up to 5 years
this mineral naturally self medicates soil with the correct nutrition
this minerals assist’s the replenishment of the microbial and earthworm populations to pre toxin levels, creating aeration, nitrogen fixation, humus building, and water retention, whilst unlocking phosphate release
this mineral feed microbes and earthworms which breakdown the minerals and turn them into protoplasm, which increases the sugar levels in Grasses, Plants and Crops
this mineral has a unique element Silicon (sol) which is very important in Phosphate locked soils. As Silicon releases phosphates by a replacement reaction in the soil
this mineral regulates and balances soil that are high in toxin\'s i.e. aluminium, strontium etc. or high in particular minerals i.e. copper, magnesium etc.
this mineral regenerates soil structure back to pre-toxin level\'s resulting in much richer and fertile soil structure
this mineral increases plants natural defences by raising their resistant to drought and disease and makes them less dependent on pesticides.
this mineral is not water-soluble resulting in no losses through leaching or soil solutions, it is broken down naturally through microbial activity and turned into protoplasm feed.
this mineral is a Non Hazardous Natural Product
We have the following documents.
Grass Silage Reports
Organic Product Certification
FBA Analysis report
Queens University Analysis report
Benefits of silicon in soil
Benefits of boron in soil
please contact us for trade and other service enquiries at the above mail id, or call us on the following number:
contact person: V.Chandrasekaran Iyer
Bionetix UK specialise in the bacterial formulated products as an alternative to harmful chemicals for the treatment of problems in your home, garden and pond.
Biocyte Agro Research Cente, with its manufacturing facility at Kanjikode,Palakkad,India now manufactures Biocyte Nutri+, an improved organic manure, suitable for all crops. Biocyte also manufactures Biofertilizers and Biocontrol agents. Biocyte Nutri+ contains the following ingredients. It is mixed in certain ratio under strict supervision in controlled conditions. The raw materials in-corporated in Nutri+ are the best quality available in the market.
1. Bio-Compost : This is the compost prepared from Sugar cane waste, after the sugar is manufactured. The crushed sugar cane waste is composted using certain fungus, water and a concentration of microbial cultures to boost up the composting process. Bio-compost forms the major ingredient.
2. Neem Cake : High quality crushed neem cake is used as another major ingredient in Nutri+.
3. Castor cake : High quality crushed Castor cake is used as another ingredient in Nutri+. Castor is higly rich in Phosphorous.
4. Fish meal : This is processed Organic manure, containing fish waste and Shrimp waste. Its is highly nutritious.
5. Biofertilizers : In addition to all the above organic ingredients, we also incorporate a small concentration of Biofertilizers like Azospirillum and Phosphobacteria for added advantage and better nutrition. (Regional strains can also be incorporated)
6. Born Meal:
Excellent medium for plant growth
High moisture retention
Improves physical & biological condition of soil
Improves aeration
Reduces frequency of irrigation
Enhances strong and healthy root system
Contains natural enzymes and plant nutrients
Stimulates the production of phytohormones.
Composition Biocyte Nutri+
Nitrogen 1.45%
Phosphorous 1.09%
Potassium 1.12%
Organic carbon 15.88
Lignin 4%
Cellulose 12.6%
Calcium 0.50%
Magnesium 0.65%
Iron (ppm) 0.15
Manganese (ppm) 25.0
Zinc (ppm) 15.80
Copper (ppm) 6.20
Moisture content 30 – 35%
pH 7.98

Le Trichoderma atroviride MUCL45632 est un champignon qui exerce son action principalement dans la rhizosphère : amélioration de levée des graines, amélioration de croissance, assainissement des sols et supports de culture et réduction de l’impact des infections (antagonisme vis-à-vis de champignons pathogènes du sol: Armillaria, Rhizoctonia, Sclerotinia, Fusarium, Phytophtora, Botrytis). Le champignon permet aussi de protéger les blessures de coupe et de taille en les colonisant temporairement. La souche sélectionnée se distingue par sa stabilité dans le sol et les supports de culture, sa grande adaptabilité à l’environnement et sa reproductibilité élevée. Le tout se traduit par une action plus rapide et plus efficace ainsi que par une plus grande persistance, grâce à sa capacité à vivre en occupant la rhizosphère et en colonisant le cortex radiculaire des plantes herbacées ou ligneuses.
Plant capacity is 2 million liters per month. Product is certified organic by Control Union Certification, Netherland.Manufactured by Indonesia\'s biggest herbal manufacturing plant with 59 years of manufacturing experience.
Applicable to all type of crops.