Trouver un vendeur de Produits sucres bio
L'annuaire Greentrade
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We are looking for exports and buyers for our premium-grade products.

Working with 10000+ smallholder organic farmer families.
Product (all certified organic)
Jaggery Liquid
Jaggery Lumps
Jaggery Powder
Sugar - Cane
Price: 8 euro per kg 2023 season
2022 season - 6.80euro per kg
Send it in 25kg plastic bucket.
Typical only for this region because of the different kind of oak trees and other trees and plants.
Taste: The intensity of the taste is medium with woody and warm notes. It has also medium sweetness with weak acidity. Can be detected tiny amounts of bitterness.
Aroma: Weak to medium aroma
Color: varies from dark brown with amber notes to black.

Consejos: Esta mermelada es ideal para acompañar con quesos curados, foie, pescados y como ingrediente para elaborar una vinagreta dulce. En los postres, es ideal para acompañar con yogur natural, requesón y repostería.

Polyfloral and Monofloral honey