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L'annuaire Greentrade
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Fax : 33 1 47 50 28 67
Quality Colour sorted
Protein Min 42%
Moisture Max 13.5 %
Color Natural/Normal
Physical Appearance Imperfect Yellow Hilum
Oil Min. 19.5 %
Splits Max. 2 %
Damage Max. 1 %
SBOC Mac. 1 %
Corn/Stone/Heating Not present
1) Watsap +2250779985324
2) Email : groupeagrotropical@gmail.com
Contact us :
1) Watsap +2250779985324
2) Email : groupeagrotropical@gmail.com
Professional and ecologically sustainable cultivation and distribution of Moringa and other Cuban plant-based foods.
Creating jobs and helping small farms to distribute their products in sense of social entrepreneurship.
- Vanille en gousse
- Poivre noir sauvage en graine sèche
- Cumin
- Coriandre
- Cardamome
- Cacao
- Café arabica
- Cannelle
Nous sommes à la recherche des possibles acheteurs ou partenaire d’affaire pour nous permettre d’écouler nos produits.
Nous vendons nos produits au prix local FOB pour les grossistes. La quantité minimum pour chaque produit est de 10Kg.
Nos contacts : +243 995 081 481
Email : mmozdeff@gmail.com
Merci à tous

Bakery (crackers, grissini)
Biscuits and cookies
Breakfast cereals
Cereal malts
Natural bars
Natural beverages
Oils & condiments
Italian rice
Rice & soy beverages
Rice cakes
Spelt, corn and
durum wheat pasta
La Finestra sul Cielo is expressly committed to the quality of food. We make a stringent selection among the products that we choose for our distribution, and we constantly work with our producers to create new ones under our recipe.
No dairy, no sugar, no hydrogenated fats
All our products are made with ingredients that do not include sugar (even if "raw" or organic) or refined sweeteners as fructose, glucose syrup, agave syrup, etc.
Besides, none of our products contain any milk or dairy, and none contain any hydrogenated margarine or fats.
Healthy, tasty and organic
The request for really healthy products - within the natural and organic foods market itself - is continually growing, as consumers become more health conscious and quality oriented. More and more people are discovering that "organic" is not enough, and ask for a deeper attention to the choice of the ingredients.
Our company strives to satisfy this request by offering state of the art products that combine delicious taste with uncompromising integrity about ingredients and production processes, always keeping our customers' health in mind while treating them with our specialities.
Our products are certified by BioAgriCoop, Italian certifying agency authorized by the Italian Government and IFOAM member.
Nous proposons uniquement la variété de dattes Deglet Nour qui est directement produite dans les palmeraies du sud tunisien.
Plusieurs formats et packagings disponible selon votre demande.
Issus d’une famille productrice de dattes depuis plusieurs générations, nous utilisons notre savoir-faire pour sélectionner nous-mêmes nos dattes sur place.
Nos Dattes et Derivés de dattes proviennent directement de nos producteurs partenaires.
Tous nos produits sont issus de l’agriculture biologique, contrôlés et certifiés par l’organisme ECOCERT.
Un cahier des charges très strict est suivi tout au long de la chaine de production. Plusieurs contrôles sont effectués chaque années afin de garantir le label AB.

Organic Fresh Fruits and Vegetables
Organic Cereals and Pulses
Organic Species and Sweeteners