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Spelt flour from Birkkala are milled in a stone mill that mills the grain gently, so that the vitamins and minerals are not damaged. There are no preservatives in the products of Birkkala farm.
Cleaned to buyer specification
Packaging = 25 kg, 1000 kg polywoven tote/bag
Packaging = 25 kg, 1000 kg polywoven tote/bag
Certified organic raw rye, buckwheat, barley
Machineries used by us for various processes such as cleaning, hulling, drying, colour-sorting, etc., are modern & high-tech. They are processed in absolute germ – free & hygienic conditions. Our Hulled Sesame Seeds are processed and re-cleaned in such a way that it’s intrinsic richness, nutrition’s and flavors remains in one piece & intact.
Hulled Sesame Seeds are extensively used in breads, burgers, sauces, cereals, crackers, spreads, drinks, granola, candies, soups & various other bakery and confectionery products to enrich its taste and nutritional values.