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Our certification body is CERES Cert. Please contact us for a copy of the certificate.
We are based near Varna, Bulgaria.
Our certification body is CERES Cert. Please contact us for a copy of our certificate.
We are based near Varna, Bulgaria.
Amaranthus Caudatus
Amaranth contains high value of energy and protein, concentrates large amounts of calcium, phosphorus, iron, potassium, zinc, vitamin E and B complex vitamin. Its fiber, compared to wheat and other cereals, is very fine and soft.
Amaranth Grains
Amranth Flakes
Amaranth Flour.
25 Lb - 25 kg - 50 kg, Paper bag.
USDA and EU Organic certification.
Vicia Fava
9-11 Grains / Oz
11-13 Grains/ Oz
13-15 Grains / Oz
25 kg- 50 kg poly bags
USDA and EU Organic certification.
Zea Mays
One of the most important cereals, its grains are of big size, great source of proteins, starches and sugars. It is considered a highly energetic food.
Raw Giant Corn
Peeled Giant Corn
25 kg - 50 kg, 50 Lb -100 Lb- 2000 Lb Bag
N° 1: 24/27 grains / Oz
N° 2: 28/32 grains / Oz
USDA and EU Organic certification.
Chenopodium Quinoa Willdenow
Quinoa is a good source of nutrients and contains high levels of proteins, rich in fiber and minerals; it has a high concentration of vitamins B, C and E.
White, Red,Black
Quinoa Grains
Pre-cooked Quinoa
Quinoa Powder
Quinoa Pop
Gelatinized Quinoa
Quinoa Flakes
3 kg - 25 Lb - 25 kg -50 kg Paper bag
1000 kg Big Bag
4 Oz- 8 Oz - 12 Oz
USDA and EU Organic certification.
We are based as Indian region doing export & import mostly in respect of ORGANIC AND DIETARY NUTRITION FOOD PRODUCTS on expanding our trade globally.
Please find enclosed herewith our attachment showing the area of interest ranging from Food Millets and Pulses.
We are based as Indian region doing export & import mostly in respect of ORGANIC AND DIETARY NUTRITION FOOD PRODUCTS on expanding our trade globally.
Please find enclosed herewith our attachment showing the area of interest ranging from Food Millets and Pulses.
We are based as Indian region doing export & import mostly in respect of ORGANIC AND DIETARY NUTRITION FOOD PRODUCTS on expanding our trade globally.
Please find enclosed herewith our attachment showing the area of interest ranging from Food Millets and Pulses.