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Offre N°
Ecocert Belgium Sprl / Bvba
Volaille, charcuterie, abats
Description : The whole deep frozen chicken
Epices condiments
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Description :

Picralima Nitida is a seed used in African herbal medicine primarily as a pain reliever.  Known as akuamma, the seed contains the alkaloids, akuammine and pericine as well as a number of related minor alkaloids.  Aside from analgesia,  picralima nitida seeds are also used as an anti-inflammatory, a skeletal muscle relaxant  and an anti-diarrheal. Akuammine is an indole alkaloid that is structurally related to yohimbine and mitragynine.  Akuammine is soluble in ethanol. Traditionally akuamma seeds were powdered and taken orally. But given the extremely bitter nature of the seeds, it is not surprising that pharmaceutical makers in Africa isolated the active compounds to produce capsules sold under the name Picap. The seeds are said to contain about 3.5%-4.8% akuammine.

 We offer dried and powder akuamma seed  from Africa. Please kindly let us know if you are interested in our product.
Autres semences
Description : Picralima Nitida is a seed used in African herbal medicine primarily as a pain reliever.  Known as akuamma, the seed contains the alkaloids, akuammine and pericine as well as a number of related minor alkaloids.  Aside from analgesia,  picralima nitida seeds are also used as an anti-inflammatory, a skeletal muscle relaxant  and an anti-diarrheal. Akuammine is an indole alkaloid that is structurally related to yohimbine and mitragynine.  Akuammine is soluble in ethanol. Traditionally akuamma seeds were powdered and taken orally. But given the extremely bitter nature of the seeds, it is not surprising that pharmaceutical makers in Africa isolated the active compounds to produce capsules sold under the name Picap. The seeds are said to contain about 3.5%-4.8% akuammine.

 We offer dried and powder akuamma seed  from Africa. Please kindly let us know if you are interested in our product.
Plantes aromatiques medicinales
Plantes médicinales
Description : Picralima Nitida is a seed used in African herbal medicine primarily as a pain reliever.  Known as akuamma, the seed contains the alkaloids, akuammine and pericine as well as a number of related minor alkaloids.  Aside from analgesia,  picralima nitida seeds are also used as an anti-inflammatory, a skeletal muscle relaxant  and an anti-diarrheal. Akuammine is an indole alkaloid that is structurally related to yohimbine and mitragynine.  Akuammine is soluble in ethanol. Traditionally akuamma seeds were powdered and taken orally. But given the extremely bitter nature of the seeds, it is not surprising that pharmaceutical makers in Africa isolated the active compounds to produce capsules sold under the name Picap. The seeds are said to contain about 3.5%-4.8% akuammine.

 We offer dried and powder akuamma seed  from Africa. Please kindly let us know if you are interested in our product.
Epices condiments
Autres epices condiments
Description : Picralima Nitida is a seed used in African herbal medicine primarily as a pain reliever.  Known as akuamma, the seed contains the alkaloids, akuammine and pericine as well as a number of related minor alkaloids.  Aside from analgesia,  picralima nitida seeds are also used as an anti-inflammatory, a skeletal muscle relaxant  and an anti-diarrheal. Akuammine is an indole alkaloid that is structurally related to yohimbine and mitragynine.  Akuammine is soluble in ethanol. Traditionally akuamma seeds were powdered and taken orally. But given the extremely bitter nature of the seeds, it is not surprising that pharmaceutical makers in Africa isolated the active compounds to produce capsules sold under the name Picap. The seeds are said to contain about 3.5%-4.8% akuammine.

 We offer dried and powder akuamma seed  from Africa. Please kindly let us know if you are interested in our product.
Produits diététiques
Produits de l?effort
Description : Picralima Nitida is a seed used in African herbal medicine primarily as a pain reliever.  Known as akuamma, the seed contains the alkaloids, akuammine and pericine as well as a number of related minor alkaloids.  Aside from analgesia,  picralima nitida seeds are also used as an anti-inflammatory, a skeletal muscle relaxant  and an anti-diarrheal. Akuammine is an indole alkaloid that is structurally related to yohimbine and mitragynine.  Akuammine is soluble in ethanol. Traditionally akuamma seeds were powdered and taken orally. But given the extremely bitter nature of the seeds, it is not surprising that pharmaceutical makers in Africa isolated the active compounds to produce capsules sold under the name Picap. The seeds are said to contain about 3.5%-4.8% akuammine.

 We offer dried and powder akuamma seed  from Africa. Please kindly let us know if you are interested in our product.
Produits diététiques
Extraits de plantes fraîches
Description : Picralima Nitida is a seed used in African herbal medicine primarily as a pain reliever.  Known as akuamma, the seed contains the alkaloids, akuammine and pericine as well as a number of related minor alkaloids.  Aside from analgesia,  picralima nitida seeds are also used as an anti-inflammatory, a skeletal muscle relaxant  and an anti-diarrheal. Akuammine is an indole alkaloid that is structurally related to yohimbine and mitragynine.  Akuammine is soluble in ethanol. Traditionally akuamma seeds were powdered and taken orally. But given the extremely bitter nature of the seeds, it is not surprising that pharmaceutical makers in Africa isolated the active compounds to produce capsules sold under the name Picap. The seeds are said to contain about 3.5%-4.8% akuammine.

 We offer dried and powder akuamma seed  from Africa. Please kindly let us know if you are interested in our product.
Produits diététiques
Capsules, gélules, ampoules
Description : Picralima Nitida is a seed used in African herbal medicine primarily as a pain reliever.  Known as akuamma, the seed contains the alkaloids, akuammine and pericine as well as a number of related minor alkaloids.  Aside from analgesia,  picralima nitida seeds are also used as an anti-inflammatory, a skeletal muscle relaxant  and an anti-diarrheal. Akuammine is an indole alkaloid that is structurally related to yohimbine and mitragynine.  Akuammine is soluble in ethanol. Traditionally akuamma seeds were powdered and taken orally. But given the extremely bitter nature of the seeds, it is not surprising that pharmaceutical makers in Africa isolated the active compounds to produce capsules sold under the name Picap. The seeds are said to contain about 3.5%-4.8% akuammine.

 We offer dried and powder akuamma seed  from Africa. Please kindly let us know if you are interested in our product.
Fruits legumes
Austria Bio Garantie, Abg
Description : rose hipp marmalade,in 275 ml jars,12 in carton box
produced from bio rose hipp,bio sugar
Café, thé, chocolat
California Certified Organic Farmers (ccof)
Description : Producto: Bolsa de panela pulverizada x 500g ( Foto Adjunto )
Unidad comercial: Caja x 24 unidades
Dimensiones caja : 45.5 x 41x 26
Peso total de la caja : 13 kg
Se esta utilizando una estiba de 1x1
En cada estiba caben 24 cajas con un peso total de 288kg
Plantes aromatiques medicinales
Plantes aromatiques
Description : La guayusa es una planta sagrada a la cual se rinde culto mediante un ritual llamado ¨La Guayusada¨ en la preparación de la bebida, donde todos los miembros de las familias Shuar se reúnen a las 3 de la mañana alrededor una fogata, mientras el agua hierve al fuego, a continuación, le agregan las hojas de Guayusa, sin azúcar y se sirve en los ¨pilches¨, comparten sorbos de Guayusa durante varias horas, también es un espacio para dar gracias al dios Arumtan. Así empieza un conversatorio donde los Shuar adultos aconsejan y transmiten la sabiduría a los jóvenes, revelan sus sueños, hablan sobre la vida y planifican sus jornadas de trabajo, finalmente todos van a sus actividades cargados de mucha energía y poder.
Plantes aromatiques medicinales
Autres plantes aromatiques medicinales
Description : El Matico(Piper aduncum) o comunmente conocido como Hierba del Soldado, Achotín o Cordoncillo, es un árbol de uso culinario y medicinal.

El matico(Hierba del Soldado) contiene alcaloides, cumarinas, triterpenos, safrol y otros químicos que en Suramérica se utilizaba como una planta ednomedicinal y en la actualidad se utiliza como hemostático (que detiene la hemorragia).

Esta planta se usa como cicatrizante, antisépticos de heridas, antiinflamatorio, infusión para evacuar cálculos biliares entre otros usos medicinales.
Autres huiles
Description : Huile de MORINGA OLEIFERE pression à froid

Une huile sèche multi-usages pour le corps, le visage et les cheveux.

Très riche en
-vitamines A
-Vitamine E
-Acides gras insaturés
-acide oléique

elle nourrit et hydrate la peau et les cheveux en profondeur

Soulage les démangeaisons des peaux sèches,
réduit visiblement l’acné, les vergetures et les cicatrices.

Elle possède la propriété unique de ne pas devenir rance

Odeur de noisettes naturelle. Aucun additif, conservateur ou parfum n’est ajouté.
Produits de la mer

La Spiruline contient 55 % à 70 % de protéines d’excellente qualité

(Proportion des acides aminés et digestibilité optimales)

Vitamines : A, E, D, B1, B2, B3, B6, B7, B8, K et du bêta-carotène des minéraux et d’oligo-éléments : calcium, phosphore, magnésium, Fer, zinc, cuivre, manganèse, chrome, sodium, potassium et sélénium Ainsi que de la chlorophylle qui favorise l’absorption du fer dans le sang.
Produits sucres
Miel, gelée royale, tous produits de la ruche
Description : Wet Bee venom :
Apitoxin, or honey bee venom is a bitter colorless liquid. Its active portion a mixture of proteins (Enzymes), peptides, Biogenic amines, Amino Acids sugars, Volatiles (Pheromones) and Minerals. Venom is quickly dried when extracted from honey bees. The mixture of proteins, which causes local inflammation and acts as an anticoagulant. A honeybee can inject 0.1 mg of venom via its stinger.
Hole Dried Bee Venom(Crude venom):
Honey Bee Venom is a colorless fluid It becomes a white powder like material after drying, if it is protected from oxidation. If it is not protected from oxidation the color will change from white to brownish yellow. Changes caused by oxidation may decrease its healing effect.
Medical grade Bee venom(Lyophilized):
In Order to get Purified bee venom, SP Organic EVA followes Purification and lyophilization Procedure to eliminate all Contaminants and preservation protocol to protect from moisture and light which can be stored for five years or more. It will not lose its toxicity. It is widely used in creams, liniments and ointments. In a tablet form, it can be used to prepare venom solution for electrophoresis or ultrasonophoresis applications. It is easy to sterilize with syringe filtration.
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Inter Bio Bretagne
