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Offre N°
Description : Product: Organic Soybeans Fettuccine
Standard: EU
Origin: China

Quality parameters
Purity: 100%
Appearance: Typical light-yellow colour, very few discolourisation,wide silks.
Odour: Typical flavour without any off flavour
Taste: Typical taste without any foreign taste
Size and tolerance: Selected according to sizes
damaged kernels/seeds: None
unhulled seeds: None
breakage: Max 30%
Rotten and mouldy beans: None
Céréales dérivés
Oléagineux, protéagineux (colza, tournesol, soja, sésame, pois, fèves)
Description : Product: Organic Mungbeans
Origin: China

Product sensory characteristics
Odour: Typical flavour without any off flavour
Colour: Typical green
Taste: Typical taste without any foreign taste
Appearance: Round
Alimentation animale
Description : Product: Organic Soybean meal
Origin: China

Product sensory characteristics
Odour: Typical flavour without any off flavour
Colour: Typical light yellow
Taste: Typical taste without any foreign taste
Purity: 98%
Size and shape: Powder or square
Plantes aromatiques medicinales
Autres plantes aromatiques medicinales
Description : quantité souhaité
Plantes aromatiques medicinales
Plantes médicinales
Description : Silybum marianum (L.) Gaertn or Milk Thistle seeds organic certificated production from Macedonia.
Autres ingredients
Description : Unigrà is in the business of transforming and selling oils and fats, margarine and semi-processed products to produce food, especially confectionery.

Founded in 1972 by Luciano Martini, over the years the company has developed its mission to produce top quality primary ingredients, semi-finished and finished products for all the channels in the sector: Industrial, Artisanal, Retail and Ho.Re.Ca.

We are proud to be the first Italian company to obtain certification with a sustainability scheme in the bioliquids sector and renewable energy sources.

Unigrà has been a member of the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) since March 2007. The association was founded in 2004 and finances projects aimed at promoting and defining criteria both for reconverting the tropical forest into palm plantations and for safeguarding and preserving the identity of the local populations.
Céréales dérivés
Oléagineux, protéagineux (colza, tournesol, soja, sésame, pois, fèves)
Description : It is a great pleasure to introduce our company M/s.Saravana Agencies
We are based as Indian region doing export & import mostly in respect of ORGANIC AND DIETARY NUTRITION FOOD PRODUCTS on expanding our trade globally.

Please find enclosed herewith our attachment showing the area of interest ranging from Food Millets and Pulses.
Description : It is a great pleasure to introduce our company M/s.Saravana Agencies
We are based as Indian region doing export & import mostly in respect of ORGANIC AND DIETARY NUTRITION FOOD PRODUCTS on expanding our trade globally.

Please find enclosed herewith our attachment showing the area of interest ranging from Food Millets and Pulses.
Description : sunflower oil
Epices condiments
Autres epices condiments
Description : Medicinal Herbs
Céréales dérivés
Céréales (blé, orge, maïs, épeautre)
Description : Buckwheat( raw and roasted)
Café, thé, chocolat
Café & succédanés
Description : Karen coffee is nature product from Karen state of Myanmar. It is naturally grown on the deep slopes of mountain preserving rain forest and soil. Robusta is mainly grown and Arabica is grown very few percentage in this area. Karen coffee is farmed, roasted and grinded by the ethnic women group in the area and Sabanan makes packaging in Yangon as value add. It is the part of women empowerment program and support livelihood of Karen women in the area. Some percentage of net profit from Karen coffee will be shared to those women group for their empowerment program. This product will help over 20,000 peoples from 30 villiages of Than Daung Gyi villiage track area, Karen State, Union of Myanmar. Sabanan provide Green label for Robusta and Red label for Arabica. Coarse ground and Fine ground coffee are available for 100 g and 200g. Green bean for Export market. If you have interest to support ethnic women or to get natural organic products, please feel free to contact us
Alimentation animale
Autres alimentation animale
Description : Argent colloïdal pour animaux l’argent colloïdal peut aider lors des morsures de tiques et de puces chez les chiens et les chats. brûlures, piqûres et les plaies ouverte 250ml
Boissons à base de plantes (tisanes, concentrés, elixirs)
Description : L’élixir du suédois est le breuvage par excellence permettant de rétablir les fonctions digestives et ainsi agir sur tout le corps. Nous proposons l'élixir du suedois en bouteille de 500ml
Produits diététiques
Compléments alimentaires
Description : L’ail noir permettrait d’améliorer la capacité antioxydante du corps, 120 gélules de 595mg.
L’ail noir est originaire d’Asie (Japon, Corée, Chine). Il est obtenu par fermentation de l’ail frais. Après la fermentation, il contient moins d’allicine, un composé responsable de la mauvaise digestion de l’ail chez certaines personnes. Il renferme plusieurs éléments : la S-allyl-mercaptocystéine, de l’allyl-cystéine, quelques composés organosulfurés liposolubles, des flavonoides et d’autres nutriments essentiels comme le sélénium.

Information : C’est de l’ail « normal » (ail blanc, que l’on trouve dans le commerce) qui a subi différentes fermentations (couple temps-température qui varie). Bi-fermentation des bulbes d’ail qui prend entre 2 à 3 mois.
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Agence Bio



Inter Bio Bretagne
