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L'annuaire Greentrade
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Organic Fresh Fruits and Vegetables
Organic Cereals and Pulses
Organic Species and Sweeteners
Organic Fresh Fruits and Vegetables
Organic Cereals and Pulses
Organic Species and Sweeteners
white, red, black
organic & conventional
white, red, black
organic & conventional
We are a company in Bulgaria that deals with the collection, drying and packaging of tea herbs.
My name is Ventsislav Teodorov Atanasov, owner of "Gold Herby" Ltd.
The medical plants are one of the greatest treasures of Bulgaria. Because of the unique geographic and climatic conditions in the country, the Bulgarian curative flora is the most rich in Europe. The collection of wildlife herbs has centuries-old traditions in our country. About 17 thousand herbs from wild growing fields and cultivated areas.
That is why we want to get in touch with you to start a future business relationship, to provide you with our valuable raw materials in dried form ready for consumption.
How We Work
GGGI supports its member governments to achieve the commitments expressed under the Paris Climate Agreement, and their Sustainable Development Goal targets.
Our delivery model combines rigorous technical assistance to governments through embedded country teams, and helps to mobilize finance into climate resilient projects.
Together with the commitment of our members, GGGI is leading the implementation of a new development paradigm, focused on a model of economic growth that is both environmentally sustainable and socially inclusive: Green Growth.
Prickly pear, Extracted from the seeds of Opuntia Ficus Indica, this rare oil is 100% bio and it’s made in respect of the ingredient's nature to preserve the main components intact. It’s available in 5 liters, 10 liters bulks and even in metallic drums of 220 liters.