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Fruits legumes
Control Union
Fruits et légumes exotiques
Description : We practice organic farming at Sardar Patel Farm located on the outskirts of Ahmedabad. The whole farm is certified by SKAL International (Netherlands) presently CU as per USDA-NOP, EU, and NSOP, Govt. of INDIA norms.
We have a huge range of certified organic products and deal in bulk trading of certified organic (Cotton/ Spices / Condiments / Herbs and Honey.)

We also process certified organic fruits grown on the farm into ready to use powders by spray drying method (at the moment only Sapota <Manilkara acharas>, Aonla <Emblica officinalis> and Lime for marketing highly hygroscopic powders to be used for:-

Sapota: Milkshakes, Icecreams and Puddings etc.

Aonla: As a daily health tonic, rich in antioxidants which in turn increases the body resistance thus keeps diseases away. There is unavaibility of fresh Amlas whole round the year. So its a good alternative as the powder can be used for whole round the year and reap the benefits of Amla as this fruit has been given the highest importance in Ayurveda due to its immence health properties.

Lime: Juice, Yoghurt, Sponge cakes, Tarts, Cheesecakes and other bakery preparations. Highly suitable for Lime Cordial.

Wide range of Ready To Use Spray / Freeze dried fruit and vegetable powders other than the mentioned above can also made as per the client requirement.This powders are 100% natural without any chemical preservatives, colours and artificial flavours.
Fruits legumes
Control Union
Fruits secs
Description : We practice organic farming at Sardar Patel Farm located on the outskirts of Ahmedabad. The whole farm is certified by SKAL International (Netherlands) presently CU as per USDA-NOP, EU, and NSOP, Govt. of INDIA norms.
Céréales dérivés
Control Union
Céréales (blé, orge, maïs, épeautre)
Description : organic corn-maize
certified NOP and Control Union
Control Union
Description : We can supply all kind of organic certified fabrics
Description : baby clothes

Our organic products are 100% organic and meets all the required standards.
Produits cosmétiques
autres Produits cosmétiques
Description : NEVEN Company Production and processing of organic medicinal herbs
From Organic agricultural production thru processing , to phyto-pharmaceuticals, cosmetic “Neven” want to become a prosperous example of what a modern, sustainable business could be, when managed with a holistic vision that promotes respect for healthy people and the healthy environment. Marigold (Calendula Officinalis) History Calendula was used as antiseptic, to reduce inflammation, and to treat wounds and variety of skin diseases, it is high in carotenoids which assist in quickrepair of skin damage and the effects of ageing. Internally, the soothing effects of Calendula have been used for stomach ulcers and inflammation also treats varicose veins and bedsores. Active constituents : • Carotenoide • Triterpenes, pentacyclic, arnidiol, erytrodiol, calenduladiol, heliantriol C and F, arsatriol, logispinogenine, the calendulosides A-D, volatile oil, chlorogenic acid . • Flavonoids founds in high amounts in Calendula, account for much of its anti-inflammatory activity. Actions Anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, anti-spasmodic, astringent, lymphatic and slightly stimulant. NEVEN CALENDULA ORGANIC PRODUCTS -COSMETIC OF HEALTH- Calendula tea Acts as valuable herb for digestive inflammation and may be used in treatment of gastric and duodenal ulcers as well as colitis and gastritis. Improves blood flow, liver complaints reduce blood fat and triglycerides, regulate circulation. Also he is useful for woman disease as are cyst and irregular menses. Tea we drink slowly, stepwise 2-3 tea cups per day. Ingredients: Calendula Flowers Calendula tincture Have same effect as tea. This is alcohol solvate Calendula Flower. Use:25 drop in the morning and 25 drop in the evening in the little of water or juice or sugar cub for 10 days, then take pause and if is needful repeat therapy. Calendula cream Use primary for regeneration all skin type, for skin disease like is lichen on the skin, impetigo, decubitis, dry skin rashes, diaper rash and burns. Calendula cream ca help small blood vessels to seal, stemming bleeding and preventing bruising. Used for healing common sores and bedsores, calendula is very effective for the same reasons on varicose veins and hemorrhoids. Calendula cream is good for acne and nappy (diaper) rash, and can help relive sore nipples in nursing mothers. Cream don’t have any unnatural ingredients, only Calendula flowers, natural fat and oils and bees wax. Calendula Night cream This evening cream use on clean face and neck, refreshing all skin types and rest the skin, tighten skin and reduce every irritation. Ingredients: Calendula flowers, lanolin, Vaseline, glycerin and carnation and rosemary oil. Calendula peeling mask One time on the week use this milled Calendula flowers on clean face to make mask, wait 15 minutes then do soft peeling and wash the face.There is no need for any cream after treatment. Peeling mask clean face from dead cell and refresh face skin. Ingredients: Milled Calendula flowers, natural fat and oils, bees wax and milk fat. Calendula lip balm Use for herpes, dry and cracked lips. Ingredients: Calendula flowers, natural fat and oils and bees wax. Calendula oil Infused oil of Calendula flowers use for regeneration all skin types on the body and burns. Oil is great as cellulite eliminator because penetrate deeply in the skin, also can use oil after sunning and douche, skin become soft and fresh. Ingredients: Calendula flowers, olive oil. Calendula suppository for hemorrhoids Use for inside hemorrhoids in combination with calendula tea. Put suppository 10mnight before sleep then take break for 10 day and if there is a need repeat therapy. For best results drink Calendula tea as is recommended. Ingredients: Calendula flowers, natural fat and oils and bees wax. All ours products are make from IMO (Institute for Marketecology ,Swiss) ORGANIC CERTIFICATE Marigold-Calendula Officinalis Flowers with natural fat and oil basis with out chemicals and perfumes. Our products can use babys. The skin of babies, young children and every member of your family needs NEVEN >cosmetic of health< organic line which provides more than just skin care ; it helps create a protective layer around you.
Produits traiteurs
Instituto Per La Certificazione Etica E Ambientale
Plats cuisinés
Description : Our products are mainly TOFU, TEMPEH and SEITAN obtained from the most nourishing protein parts respectively of soy and cereals such as wheat, kamut and spelt.

Our tofu and seitan are fresh, preservative-free and enriched with fresh in-season vegetables; thus making up a range of products which are both naturally flavoured and ready to be quickly heated while keeping their original taste.

Our products come out of a unique expertise which has been developed with passion and dedication as well as continuously perfected over all the years we have worked so far.

The unique flavour and tenderness to the palate of our seitan, the pure delicate taste of our tofu and the rich properties of our tempeh all come from our meticulous selection of flours and top-quality soybeans which are then patiently hand-processed.

Piece by piece, all of our products are hand-kneaded and made with passion and care since they come daily to your tables as well as ours.
Produits diététiques
Instituto Per La Certificazione Etica E Ambientale
Autres produits dietetiques
Description : Our products are mainly TOFU, TEMPEH and SEITAN obtained from the most nourishing protein parts respectively of soy and cereals such as wheat, kamut and spelt.

Our tofu and seitan are fresh, preservative-free and enriched with fresh in-season vegetables; thus making up a range of products which are both naturally flavoured and ready to be quickly heated while keeping their original taste.

Our products come out of a unique expertise which has been developed with passion and dedication as well as continuously perfected over all the years we have worked so far.

The unique flavour and tenderness to the palate of our seitan, the pure delicate taste of our tofu and the rich properties of our tempeh all come from our meticulous selection of flours and top-quality soybeans which are then patiently hand-processed.

Piece by piece, all of our products are hand-kneaded and made with passion and care since they come daily to your tables as well as ours.
Instituto Per La Certificazione Etica E Ambientale
Soja et dérivés (graines, germes, sauces, desserts, galettes)
Description : Our products are mainly TOFU, TEMPEH and SEITAN obtained from the most nourishing protein parts respectively of soy and cereals such as wheat, kamut and spelt.

Our tofu and seitan are fresh, preservative-free and enriched with fresh in-season vegetables; thus making up a range of products which are both naturally flavoured and ready to be quickly heated while keeping their original taste.

Our products come out of a unique expertise which has been developed with passion and dedication as well as continuously perfected over all the years we have worked so far.

The unique flavour and tenderness to the palate of our seitan, the pure delicate taste of our tofu and the rich properties of our tempeh all come from our meticulous selection of flours and top-quality soybeans which are then patiently hand-processed.

Piece by piece, all of our products are hand-kneaded and made with passion and care since they come daily to your tables as well as ours.
Produits diététiques
Instituto Per La Certificazione Etica E Ambientale
Autres produits dietetiques
Description : Hand made wheat gluten, oats, Italian extra virgin olive oil, shoyu,vegetables, spices, herbs, sea salt.
Produits diététiques
Instituto Per La Certificazione Etica E Ambientale
Autres produits dietetiques
Description : Hand made wheat gluten, shoyu, tamari, Italian extra virgin olive oil, fresh ginger, rosemary.
Céréales dérivés
Control Union
Autres cereales derives
Description : we are working very closely with farmers in Rajasthan, haryana, punjab, Himachal Pradesh and other staes in India, who have been initiated into organic farming by Goverment agencies and NGO's to wean them away from chemical fertilizer based farming to save the soil and enviroment. There are those who meet the mandatory certification parameters of the various certification agencies and who have been certified by the Indian Organic Standards NPOP, US Organic Standards and European Union Organic Standards and certied by agencies like Indian Organic Certification Agency, Onecert Asia Agri certification, a susidiary of Onecert USA, and on the list of USDA certification agencies, SGS, SKAL etc..There are many other organic farmers who have travelled down the organic path and in the process of being certified. We are in close touch with organic farming communities.

Our Certified Organic product portfolio includes:
Cereals: Barley,Corn-Maize, Rice, Wheat.
Pulses & Lentils
Oil Seeds: Sesame, Sunflower, Ground Nut, Mustard, Safflower, Castor, Soya Bean
Spices: Aniseed(Ajwain), Coriander(Dhania), Cumin(Jeera), Fennel(Saunf), Fenugreek(Methi), Red Chillies, Rye, Turmeric(Haldi)
Winter Crops: carrot, cauliflower, drumstick, Garlic(green & bulb), Fenugreek leaf(methi), Onion (green & bulb),Spinach(palak), peas, potato, Radish, Mustard leaf(Sarson), Tomatoes
Summer Crop: Bottle Gourd (lauki), Brinjal or eggplant,, Okra(Bhindi),Green chillies,, curry leaf,Cucumber,Mint leaf,Parwal
Fruits: Banana, Apples,Guava, lemon, sweet lime, Mango, Musk melon, orange, papaya,, peach,Pears, Pineapple, Plums, Pomegranate, water Melon.
Herbs: Celery, lemon Grass, Parsley, Sage, Thyme.
Wild Honey
Processed Food Products: Green Dehydrated Peas, Dry Peas, Onion Dehydrated Flakes,porridge,fibre biscuits, whole wheat flour,
Health Products: Aloe Vera Juice, sweet Aloe Vera leaves, Aloe Vera Gel, Digestive Wheat Fibre(Chaff),aloe vera face wash(soapless), aloe vera shampoo, Aloe Vera soap, Aloe Vera+Glycerin soap.
Fruits legumes
Control Union
Autres fruits legumes
Description : we are working very closely with farmers in Rajasthan, haryana, punjab, Himachal Pradesh and other staes in India, who have been initiated into organic farming by Goverment agencies and NGO's to wean them away from chemical fertilizer based farming to save the soil and enviroment. There are those who meet the mandatory certification parameters of the various certification agencies and who have been certified by the Indian Organic Standards NPOP, US Organic Standards and European Union Organic Standards and certied by agencies like Indian Organic Certification Agency, Onecert Asia Agri certification, a susidiary of Onecert USA, and on the list of USDA certification agencies, SGS, SKAL etc..There are many other organic farmers who have travelled down the organic path and in the process of being certified. We are in close touch with organic farming communities.

Our Certified Organic product portfolio includes:

Winter Crops: carrot, cauliflower, drumstick, Garlic(green & bulb), Fenugreek leaf(methi), Onion (green & bulb),Spinach(palak), peas, potato, Radish, Mustard leaf(Sarson), Tomatoes
Summer Crop: Bottle Gourd (lauki), Brinjal or eggplant,, Okra(Bhindi),Green chillies,, curry leaf,Cucumber,Mint leaf,Parwal
Fruits: Banana, Apples,Guava, lemon, sweet lime, Mango, Musk melon, orange, papaya,, peach,Pears, Pineapple, Plums, Pomegranate, water Melon.
Herbs: Celery, lemon Grass, Parsley, Sage, Thyme.
Wild Honey
Processed Food Products: Green Dehydrated Peas, Dry Peas, Onion Dehydrated Flakes,porridge,fibre biscuits, whole wheat flour,
Produits cosmétiques
Control Union
autres Produits cosmétiques
Description : we are working very closely with farmers in Rajasthan, haryana, punjab, Himachal Pradesh and other staes in India, who have been initiated into organic farming by Goverment agencies and NGO's to wean them away from chemical fertilizer based farming to save the soil and enviroment. There are those who meet the mandatory certification parameters of the various certification agencies and who have been certified by the Indian Organic Standards NPOP, US Organic Standards and European Union Organic Standards and certied by agencies like Indian Organic Certification Agency, Onecert Asia Agri certification, a susidiary of Onecert USA, and on the list of USDA certification agencies, SGS, SKAL etc..There are many other organic farmers who have travelled down the organic path and in the process of being certified. We are in close touch with organic farming communities.

Our Certified Organic product portfolio includes:

Health Products: Aloe Vera Juice, sweet Aloe Vera leaves, Aloe Vera Gel, Digestive Wheat Fibre(Chaff),aloe vera face wash(soapless), aloe vera shampoo, Aloe Vera soap, Aloe Vera+Glycerin soap.
Céréales dérivés
Control Union
Riz, sarrazin, avoine, seigle, divers
Description : certified organic basmati rice from India (NOP)
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