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organic Honey,cinnamon,and products for Organic Farming,like Castor Meal Natural Fertilizer.

We practice organic farming at Sardar Patel Farm located on the outskirts of Ahmedabad. The whole farm is certified by SKAL International (Netherlands) presently CU as per USDA-NOP, EU, and NSOP, Govt. of INDIA norms. Organic farming based on a Biodynamic framework is followed in our effort to be a part of the healthy chain – healthy soil – healthy crops – healthy food – healthy life. After almost eight years of following these farming practices we have found that we have succeeded

We practice organic farming at Sardar Patel Farm located on the outskirts of Ahmedabad. The whole farm is certified by SKAL International (Netherlands) presently CU as per USDA-NOP, EU, and NSOP, Govt. of INDIA norms. Organic farming based on a Biodynamic framework is followed in our effort to be a part of the healthy chain – healthy soil – healthy crops – healthy food – healthy life. After almost eight years of following these farming practices we have found that we have succeeded in: