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Epices condiments
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Description : Organic Spices
Café, thé, chocolat
Lacon Gmbh
Description : Organic Black TEA, Green TEA, Speciality TEA
Céréales dérivés
Riz, sarrazin, avoine, seigle, divers
Description : Ecological rye, certificated by Balkanbiosert. Yearly production is 90 tons
Epices condiments
Autres epices condiments
Description : STEVIA Plante édulcorante naturelle du paraguay. feuilles en poudre TRÈS FINE.
Boissons sans alcool (eau, jus de fruits, légumes,boissons aux céréales, soja)
Description : We are organic juices producer located in southwest of France, and we are leader in french market, for the future, we hope to develop our international market.
Epices condiments
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Description : We are the Cultivator, Processor and Exporter of Certified Organic products and offer a wide range of Certified Organic Products in countries worldwide. At the heart of ORGANIC INDIA is our commitment to promote holistic sustainable development for all beings through organic agriculture.

We are having largest organic certified farmer base spread throughout the country and are able to grow almost every crop, grown in the country, on commercial scales. We are able to cultivate process and pack the products as per buyer’s specific requirements.

Our facilities and processing centers have been awarded ISO 9000, SQF, HACCP, GMP, Kosher certifications and comply with EEC2092/91, NOP/USDA regulations. Our Certification agencies are SGS, Skal International and Ecocert.

We are currently exporting our products to USA, Canada, Europe (Germany, Czech Republic, and Sweden), U.K, Japan, Australia, Israel, and South Africa to name a few.

Our Organic products are:

1. Organic Spices - Black Pepper, Cumin, Ginger Powder, Nutmeg, Turmeric (Whole & Powdered), and many more.

2. Tulsi Tea Range: Original, Ginger, Green Chai, Brahmi and upcoming new premium quality tea blends.

3. Flavored Psyllium: Chocolate, Peach, Orange flavor and Whole Husk in retail pack.
Plantes aromatiques medicinales
Plantes aromatiques
Description : We are the Cultivator, Processor and Exporter of Certified Organic products and offer a wide range of Certified Organic Products in countries worldwide. At the heart of ORGANIC INDIA is our commitment to promote holistic sustainable development for all beings through organic agriculture.

We are having largest organic certified farmer base spread throughout the country and are able to grow almost every crop, grown in the country, on commercial scales. We are able to cultivate process and pack the products as per buyer’s specific requirements.

Our facilities and processing centers have been awarded ISO 9000, SQF, HACCP, GMP, Kosher certifications and comply with EEC2092/91, NOP/USDA regulations. Our Certification agencies are SGS, Skal International and Ecocert.

We are currently exporting our products to USA, Canada, Europe (Germany, Czech Republic, and Sweden), U.K, Japan, Australia, Israel, and South Africa to name a few.

Our Organic products are:

1. Organic Spices - Black Pepper, Cumin, Ginger Powder, Nutmeg, Turmeric (Whole & Powdered), and many more.

2. Tulsi Tea Range: Original, Ginger, Green Chai, Brahmi and upcoming new premium quality tea blends.

3. Flavored Psyllium: Chocolate, Peach, Orange flavor and Whole Husk in retail pack.

5. Herbs: Amalaki, Ashwagandha, Psyllium, Shatavari and many more.

6. Herbal Supplements: Flavored Psyllium, Bowel Care, Flexibility, Liver Kidney Care, Sugar Balance, Weight Balance, Woman Wellbeing, and many more.
Plantes aromatiques medicinales
Autres plantes aromatiques medicinales
Description : We are the Cultivator, Processor and Exporter of Certified Organic products and offer a wide range of Certified Organic Products in countries worldwide. At the heart of ORGANIC INDIA is our commitment to promote holistic sustainable development for all beings through organic agriculture.

We are having largest organic certified farmer base spread throughout the country and are able to grow almost every crop, grown in the country, on commercial scales. We are able to cultivate process and pack the products as per buyer’s specific requirements.

Our facilities and processing centers have been awarded ISO 9000, SQF, HACCP, GMP, Kosher certifications and comply with EEC2092/91, NOP/USDA regulations. Our Certification agencies are SGS, Skal International and Ecocert.

We are currently exporting our products to USA, Canada, Europe (Germany, Czech Republic, and Sweden), U.K, Japan, Australia, Israel, and South Africa to name a few.

Our Organic products are:

2. Organic Spices - Black Pepper, Cumin, Ginger Powder, Nutmeg, Turmeric (Whole & Powdered), and many more.

3. Tulsi Tea Range: Original, Ginger, Green Chai, Brahmi and upcoming new premium quality tea blends.

4. Flavored Psyllium: Chocolate, Peach, Orange flavor and Whole Husk in retail pack.

5. Herbs: Amalaki, Ashwagandha, Psyllium, Shatavari and many more.

6. Herbal Supplements: Flavored Psyllium, Bowel Care, Flexibility, Liver Kidney Care, Sugar Balance, Weight Balance, Woman Wellbeing, and many more.
Semences en vrac
Description : We are the Cultivator, Processor and Exporter of Certified Organic products and offer a wide range of Certified Organic Products in countries worldwide. At the heart of ORGANIC INDIA is our commitment to promote holistic sustainable development for all beings through organic agriculture.

We are having largest organic certified farmer base spread throughout the country and are able to grow almost every crop, grown in the country, on commercial scales. We are able to cultivate process and pack the products as per buyer’s specific requirements.

Our facilities and processing centers have been awarded ISO 9000, SQF, HACCP, GMP, Kosher certifications and comply with EEC2092/91, NOP/USDA regulations. Our Certification agencies are SGS, Skal International and Ecocert.

We are currently exporting our products to USA, Canada, Europe (Germany, Czech Republic, and Sweden), U.K, Japan, Australia, Israel, and South Africa to name a few.

Our Organic products are:

1. Edible seeds, Oilseeds and other commodities –
A) Castor Oil (Pale Pressed, Cold Pressed)
B) Chicory Cubes ( Roasted & unroasted Cubes)
C) Psyllium Husk
D) Sesame Seed (Black, Brown, Natural, Hulled)
E) Mustard,( Black, Yellow)
F) Senna (Pod, Leaf)
G) Flax Seed
Bioellas Sa
Description : Latzimas

Extra Virgin Olive Oil from Greece

acidity: 0.2-0.8%
packaging: 250/500/750 ml
Produits cosmétiques
Soins du corps
Description : Dead Sea salt and mud perfectly take cake about your skin and your body. Remember that Dead Sea salt and mud are not only beauty, you enjoy their healing effects!

Dead Sea salt It is perfect for bathing. These salts contain 29 minerals that help to treat and relax the skin. Bath salts promote relaxation and calm down the nervous system, relieve muscle and joint pains. The bath salts are especially effective for those who suffer from various skin diseases

We offer natural Dead Sea salt or with fragrances in a standing bag of 500g. Fragrances are: raspberry, melon or lavender.

Dead Sea mud Dead Sea mud is a unique cosmetic product from the depth of the lowest spot on earth with the highest concentration of natural health-enhancing minerals. The special natural ingredients enhance bathing with healthy, mineralizing, revitalizing, energizing, detoxifying and stimulating properties for the body and soul. These minerals and trace elements are necessity for preventive measures and treatment of damaged skin, cell metabolism and the immune system. For treatment of aching joints; need to heat the package in hot water or microwave. If you choose mud with Aloe Vera, its extracts will calm and refresh the skin. Aloe Vera is recommended for gentle skin.

We offer Natural Dead Sea mud and Dead Sea mud with Aloe Vera in 600ml standing bag.
Céréales dérivés
Riz, sarrazin, avoine, seigle, divers
Description : riz diététique et biologique
riz rouge
Café, thé, chocolat
Description : we supply organic green tea,oolong tea,white tea,black tea,puerh tea.
Description : Organic cottons,bamboo,nettle,peace silks,wools,hemp,soybean fabric,modal and more
Epices condiments
Épices, poivres
Description : We are the Cultivator, Processor and Exporter of Certified Organic products and offer a wide range of Certified Organic Products in countries worldwide. At the heart of ORGANIC INDIA is our commitment to promote holistic sustainable development for all beings through organic agriculture.

We are having largest organic certified farmer base spread throughout the country and are able to grow almost every crop, grown in the country, on commercial scales. We are able to cultivate process and pack the products as per buyer’s specific requirements.

Our facilities and processing centers have been awarded ISO 9000, SQF, HACCP, GMP, Kosher certifications and comply with EEC2092/91, NOP/USDA regulations. Our Certification agencies are SGS, Skal International and Ecocert.

We are currently exporting our products to USA, Canada, Europe (Germany, Czech Republic, and Sweden), U.K, Japan, Australia, Israel, and South Africa to name a few.

Our Organic products are:

1. Edible seeds, Oilseeds and other commodities –
A) Castor Oil (Pale Pressed, Cold Pressed)
B) Chicory Cubes ( Roasted & unroasted Cubes)
C) Psyllium Husk
D) Sesame Seed (Black, Brown, Natural, Hulled)
E) Mustard,( Black, Yellow)
F) Senna (Pod, Leaf)
G) Flax Seed

2. Organic Spices - Black Pepper, Cumin, Ginger Powder, Nutmeg, Turmeric (Whole & Powdered), and many more.

3. Tulsi Tea Range: Original, Ginger, Green Chai, Brahmi and upcoming new premium quality tea blends.

4. Flavored Psyllium: Chocolate, Peach, Orange flavor and Whole Husk in retail pack.

5. Herbs: Amalaki, Ashwagandha, Psyllium, Shatavari and many more.

6. Herbal Supplements: Flavored Psyllium, Bowel Care, Flexibility, Liver Kidney Care, Sugar Balance, Weight Balance, Woman Wellbeing, and many more.
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Agence Bio



Inter Bio Bretagne
