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Dio Certification And Inspection Organisation For Biological Production Methods
Description : HELIOS BIO Linguine: HELIOS Linguine made from 100% durum wheat semolina of organic cultivation, available in 12pcs x 500gr packing (144 cases per pallet).
Dio Certification And Inspection Organisation For Biological Production Methods
Description : HELIOS BIO twist: HELIOS Twist made from 100% durum wheat semolina of organic cultivation, available in 12pcs x 500gr packing (49 cases per pallet).
Dio Certification And Inspection Organisation For Biological Production Methods
Description : HELIOS BIO letters: HELIOS Letters & Numbers made from 100% durum wheat semolina of organic cultivation, available in 12pcs x 500gr packing (56 cases per pallet).
Dio Certification And Inspection Organisation For Biological Production Methods
Description : HELIOS BIO cut-macaroni: HELIOS Cut macaroni made from 100% durum wheat semolina of organic cultivation, available in 12pcs x 500gr packing (77 cases per pallet).
Dio Certification And Inspection Organisation For Biological Production Methods
Description : “HELIOS” Pasta Industry is increasing its already extensive range of products and enhances its innovative progress. Closely following market developments “HELIOS” is forcefully active in the production of certified organic pasta.

“HELIOS” organic pasta combines excellent quality with richness in flavour and is made of 100% durum wheat semolina from certified organic cultivation.

The selection of the raw materials is made under strict conditions which fully comply with the rules set by the European Common Framework, in specific rule (EU) 2092/91. The pasta is produced at the sophisticated and certified facilities of “HELIOS” pasta industry located in Metamorfossis Attika.

Continually investing both in the production unit and in the research and development of new products “HELIOS” pasta industry boasts up to date facilities of production and packaging while it has established and applies a Food Safety Management System according to EN ISO 22000:2005 (H.A.C.C.P) and a Quality System according to EN ISO 9001:2000 certified by the organization T?V AUSTRIA HELLAS.

“HELIOS” organic pasta is the ideal solution for a healthy, nutritious and appetizing daily meal. Being so tasty they are the perfect meal that can by enjoyed by the whole family.

“HELIOS” organic pasta is available in a wide variety: Spaghetti N. 6, Spaghettini N.10, Linguine, Macaroni N.3, Twist, Letters and Numbers, Penne Rigate, Cut Macaroni and Orzo.

“HELIOS” pasta industry offers an extensive range of products of high quality; two words which have come to represent the brand name “HELIOS”.
Fruits legumes
Fruits frais
Description : We would like to sell organic fruits and Vegetables.
Certified by UGOCERT
Céréales dérivés
Oléagineux, protéagineux (colza, tournesol, soja, sésame, pois, fèves)
Description : We would like to sell oil seeds
Céréales dérivés
Céréales (blé, orge, maïs, épeautre)
Description : We would like to sell organic fruits and Vegetables.
Control Union
Semences en vrac
Description : certified organic seeds
Autres huiles
Description : Procédé d’obtention : Première pression à froid

Organe pressé : fruit de l\'Arganier (arganon) trié

Nom botanique : Argania spinosa

Pays d\'origine : Maroc

Culture : culture biologique, certifiée par Ecocert

Qualité : 100% pure et naturelle, vierge, première pression à froid, sans aucun traitement chimique
Propriétés Organoleptiques :

· Aspect : liquide huileux fin
· Couleur : jaune à verte
· Odeur : douce, agréable, odeur douce de noisette
Conditions de conservation : au sec, à l\'abri de la chaleur et de la lumière

Composition en acides gras :
Acides gras essentiels poly-insaturés (AGPI ou AGE) ou vitamine F : acide linoléique (oméga 6) (30.83%)

Acides gras mono-insaturés (AGMI) : acide oléique (46.52%)

Acides gras saturés (AGS) : acide palmitique (13.14%), acide iso-stéarique (6.98%)
Utilisations :

Propriétés :

- Nourrissante, assouplissante

- Protectrice cutanée (agressions extérieures, soleil, vents), fortifiante

- Antiradicalaire, anti-âge, régénératrice, revitalisante

- Réparatrice, cicatrisante

- Connue pour diminuer le taux de cholestérol et comme protectrice du système cardio-vasculaire

- Antisclérosant

Indications :

- Peaux sèches, ridées, dévitalisées, déshydratées
- Vieillissement de la peau, rides
- Brûlures, dermatoses, acné, varicelle
- Mains sèches, gercées
- Ongles cassants
- Soin du cheveux : cheveux secs , cassants, ternes, fatigués / pellicules / chute de cheveux

- En protection des agressions extérieures (soleil, intempéries...)

- Rhumatismes, athérosclérose

- Cholestérol

Usage externe :

Pure ou mélangée avec des huiles essentielles ou d\'autres huiles végétales en applications locales deux fois par jour sur les peaux sèches, en soin pour les cheveux, en soin ou prévention comme anti-âge
Description : We are a seller of organic yarn and fabric from certificated by Control Union.
We are also buyer of organic cotton.
Control Union
autres Textile
Description : Suminter India organics’ Textile division was established with a mission of providing exceptional and personalized services and providing genuine Organic Garments at an affordable price to our clients. We enjoy a good control over Organic raw material, as we have our own contracted farms in the states of Gujarat and Maharashtra, India. Our production facilities in India are most modern and are certified by Control Union (SKAL) for Organic production. Our core principle of business is to provide genuine organic product at the right price and at a stipulated time. Our Integrated operation right from raw cotton to Garments helps us achieve this object. Our experienced professional team and modern machinery set up along with proper choice of raw material gives us the edge over our competitors to provide our clients a trouble free product with almost Zero defects
We monitor all the processes, from pre-assessments to shipping, in order to address and comply with all of our customers’ needs and expectations. We work on a variety of garments ranging from Fashion to Basics in Knits, Woven – Tops / Bottoms. We are specialized in doing a variety of prints / embroideries / appliqués & washes on the garments which are all organically certified.
Autres Services
Description : We are a company in Turkey which has been established in 1987 for manufacturing refrigeration units and sandwich panels for cold storage applications of variety of food kinds.

Our product range includes:

•Pre - Cooling Room Refrigeration Units (To satisfy + 4 ° C cold room conditions)
•Normal Cold Room Refrigeration Units (To satisfy - 5 ° C / + 5 ° C cold room conditions)
•Deep Freeze Room Refrigeration Units (To satisfy - 18 / -25 ° C deep freeze room conditions)
•Rapid Cooling Room Refrigiration (To satisfy - 40 ° C rapid cooling room conditions)
•Sandwich Isolation Panels (Thickness varies as 8 cm, 10 cm, 12 cm, 15 cm, 20 cm )

Application areas of our cold storage rooms are:

- Vegetable - Fruit Processing Plants
- Dairy Products (Milk, Cheese, etc) Storage Rooms
- Frozen Food Product Processing Plants
- Poultry Processing Plants
- Seed Growing Plants
- Hotel / Restaurant Kitchens
- Hipergross and supermarket chains
- Food Exporting Companies
- Various Kinds of Food Production Plants

We would be glad to support you for your projects for cold storage of food products.
Description : As Baktat Food Company, we are producer of organic black and green olives in 250 adn 500 cc jar. Please feel free to contact us.

Yours sincerely,
Céréales dérivés
Céréales (blé, orge, maïs, épeautre)
Description : 800 tons of corn harvest 2008 located near bordeaux
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Agence Bio



Inter Bio Bretagne
