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Offre N°
Café, thé, chocolat
Cacao, chocolat
Description : Nous sommes distributeur de café et cacao en Europe.
Nos produits sont d'origine diverses: Afrique et autre.
Autres intrans
Description : What's the difference between humic acid and fertilizers?
There is a lot of confusion out there when it comes to Humic Acids; people always wonder if it is a fertilizer, and if not a fertilizer - what is it?
Humic Acids are best known as a soil conditioner which makes poor soils good and good soils great. Humic Acids work best when applied with fertilizers to create optimum growing conditions. They work as a compliment to the fertilizer and the benefit is a more efficient use of your fertilizer and the money you spent to add it.

Humics Work in Conjunction with Fertilizers
Humic Acids are not fertilizers, but can be added to any fertilizer prescription as a compliment to it. Fertilizers are analyzed on the basis of their value of Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium or Potash (N-P-K). Humic Acids are analyzed on the basis of their content of humus and in the case of Black Earth that value is over 80%.

Humic Acids can Increase the Effectiveness of Fertilizer
Humic Acids have the ability to make your soil perform better even if it is a marginal soil condition. Fertilizers provide a nutrient source for the plant, but rarely have any benefit to the soil. When applied to sandy soils, Humic Acids can provide organic matter and help retain water, which is essential to plant growth. Some fertilizers are mobile in the soil and have the potential to leach out of the root zone in sandy soils. Granular Humic Acids can help hold these fertilizers in the root zone for longer periods of time and allow the plant to take up more nutrients. In hard pan or compacted soils, an addition of Humic Acid can break up these soils and allow nutrients to penetrate deeper down to the root zone.

We all know fertilizers are essential inputs in any cropping system. With Humic Acids, you are able to increase the efficiency of those fertilizers by increasing the nutrient uptake and retention. Along with that, Humic Acids can add organic matter to deficient soils, increase root vitality, increase chlorophyll synthesis, have better seed germination, stimulate beneficial microbial activity and have overall healthier plants and improved yields. They also work to unlock nutrients like phosphorus that are tied up in the soil.

Use Humic Acid to Restore the Health of Your Soil
Most people are quick to say Humic Acids are fertilizers, but in fact, it is more of a soil conditioner. The benefits far outweigh the costs and with so many soils being depleted around the world today, Humic Acids are an effective product to reverse the depletion trend. In a world where we are seeing world population grow at an exponential rate, and are losing arable acres on which to grow crops, we need to fertilize crops to maximize production and feed the hungry.

To keep your soil healthy, vibrant and productive, look towards a fertilization program with Humic Acids to help you achieve that. In turn, you will prosper with higher yields, a healthier soil and a sustainable future.
Alimentation animale
Animaux domestiques
Description : What's the difference between humic acid and fertilizers?
There is a lot of confusion out there when it comes to Humic Acids; people always wonder if it is a fertilizer, and if not a fertilizer - what is it?
Humic Acids are best known as a soil conditioner which makes poor soils good and good soils great. Humic Acids work best when applied with fertilizers to create optimum growing conditions. They work as a compliment to the fertilizer and the benefit is a more efficient use of your fertilizer and the money you spent to add it.

Humics Work in Conjunction with Fertilizers
Humic Acids are not fertilizers, but can be added to any fertilizer prescription as a compliment to it. Fertilizers are analyzed on the basis of their value of Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium or Potash (N-P-K). Humic Acids are analyzed on the basis of their content of humus and in the case of Black Earth that value is over 80%.

Humic Acids can Increase the Effectiveness of Fertilizer
Humic Acids have the ability to make your soil perform better even if it is a marginal soil condition. Fertilizers provide a nutrient source for the plant, but rarely have any benefit to the soil. When applied to sandy soils, Humic Acids can provide organic matter and help retain water, which is essential to plant growth. Some fertilizers are mobile in the soil and have the potential to leach out of the root zone in sandy soils. Granular Humic Acids can help hold these fertilizers in the root zone for longer periods of time and allow the plant to take up more nutrients. In hard pan or compacted soils, an addition of Humic Acid can break up these soils and allow nutrients to penetrate deeper down to the root zone.

We all know fertilizers are essential inputs in any cropping system. With Humic Acids, you are able to increase the efficiency of those fertilizers by increasing the nutrient uptake and retention. Along with that, Humic Acids can add organic matter to deficient soils, increase root vitality, increase chlorophyll synthesis, have better seed germination, stimulate beneficial microbial activity and have overall healthier plants and improved yields. They also work to unlock nutrients like phosphorus that are tied up in the soil.

Use Humic Acid to Restore the Health of Your Soil
Most people are quick to say Humic Acids are fertilizers, but in fact, it is more of a soil conditioner. The benefits far outweigh the costs and with so many soils being depleted around the world today, Humic Acids are an effective product to reverse the depletion trend. In a world where we are seeing world population grow at an exponential rate, and are losing arable acres on which to grow crops, we need to fertilize crops to maximize production and feed the hungry.

To keep your soil healthy, vibrant and productive, look towards a fertilization program with Humic Acids to help you achieve that. In turn, you will prosper with higher yields, a healthier soil and a sustainable future.
Epices condiments
Épices, poivres

Autres huiles
Description : nous sommes une société de commercialisation d'huile d'argan cosmétique bio certifiée du sud du Maroc, sur le marché mondial, nous commercialisons aussi l'huile de figue de barbarie, en vrac ou mis en bouteille nous adaptons à vos besoins. n'hésiter pas à nous contacter pour plus d'information.
Plantes aromatiques medicinales
Plantes médicinales
Description : Moringa dried leaves/ Moringa seeds/ Soursop( Graviola) dried leaves and other medicinal herbs
Produits diététiques
Oregon Tilth Certified Organic
Extraits de plantes fraîches
Description : We are manufacturer and trader of ayurvedic herb,medicinal herb, indian herb, organic herb, herbal extract, essential oils, crude gums, herbal seed,Herbal root, flakes, herbal powder, Plant seed, Plant Bark,Leave,Herbal Oil,pharmaceutical Herb,veterinary herb,Crude herb,Ayurvedic Pharmacy,unani Herb,Sidhha herb,Gum, Resin,Pods,Nut & Kernel,Ayurvedic churna,Home Remidies,Agro herbs,Aromatic herbs,Essential Oil,plant extract,tree root,puja flowers,herbal drug,drug & pharmaceutical,Culinary Herbs,Pure Herb,Crude Herbs, HERBSSPICES,raw herbals,Botanical Extract,Herbal wild Products,Dried herbs,Spices,Medicinal Plant Seeds,Dry Flowers,Natural Agarbatti,Dhoop Manufacturers,Pooja Material,Ayurvedic Medicine,Diabetes Herbs,Medicinal Plants,Psyllium Seed Husk,Natural Herbs Products,Seasoning Herbs,Herbal Face Powder,Medicinal Flowers,Piles Medicine,Herbal incense,Herbal tea powder,Herbal tablets,Horticulture
Autres huiles
Description : SETRAGAL est une société implantée au MAROC , spécialisée dans la production, l'exportation, et la commercialisation de l'huile rare de pépins de figue de barbarie issue de l'agriculture biologique selon le Règlement Européen (CE) n° 834/2007, ainsi que le Règlement NOP (National Organic Program) des États-Unis.

En choisissant des partenaires qui sont principalement des coopératives féminines, notre société espère contribuer à la promotion de la femme rurale et le développement durable dans l’économie sociale et solidaire qui est productrice de l’innovation sociale.

Qu’il s’agisse de réaliser des économies d’énergie ou de préserver la nature, notre société a la responsabilité de participer activement à cette démarche, d’en comprendre les enjeux et de proposer à ses clients des produits éco-efficients.
Autres Services
Description : Warehousing Solutions & Services
We handle loading, unloading, MIS & value addition

C & FA Services
Allow us to take care of the distribution needs of your products

Ripening Chambers with Advance Technology & Expertise
Give us Raw Fruits and we will give you the Ripened ones

Cold Storage Services
We preserve better, we preserve hygienically

3 PL (Manpower Management)
From Recruitment to Reimbursement

Supply of Fresh Fruits & Vegetables
We deliver FRESH SUPPLIES to you, at your doorstep

Re-pack & Packaging Facility
Allow us to handle the packaging of your products to cater to your requirements

Distribution & Business Promotion
We constantly engage and explore various aspects to promote business setups and existing ventures
Autres huiles
Description : Nous produisons et exportons de l'huile de figue de barbarie, à partir de plantations locales, en Tunisie. Notre huile est 100% naturelle, et bio.
Nos offrons les quantités souhaitées par nos clients, car nous bénéficions d'un grand accès aux cultures de figues de barbarie en Tunisie (mis à part notre propre production).
Description : Nous produisons, fournissons et exportons de l'huile d'olive 100%, pure et cultivé biologiquement.
Nous offrons nos produits à l'export selon les quantités souhaitées par nos clients, à l'avance.
Fertilisants , engrais
Description : supply humic acid , potassium humate.sodium humate, fulvic acid, potassium fulvate,organic manure ,water solube fertilizer,
Plantes aromatiques medicinales
Plantes médicinales
Description : Morocco based developing small scale permaculture beyond organic production of medicinal herbs as shade dried leaves and chopped stem/roots such as:
leonurus cardiaca motherwort.
artemisia princeps yomogi.
arctium lappa burdock gobo.
althaea officinalis marshmallow.
geranium robertianum herb robert.
withania somnifera ashwagandha.
melissa officinalis lemon balm.
hypericum perforatum StJohn's wort.
moringa oleifera miracle tree.
eclipta alba bhringraj.
Andrographis paniculata kalmegh.
spilanthes acmella oleacera.
taraxacum officinalis dandelion.
ocinum sanctcum tulsi.
lessertia frutescens cancer bush.
We can gear production for regular orders.
Autres huiles
Description : producteur de l'huile de pépins de figue de barbarie
Produits cosmétiques
Soins du corps
Description : huile de pépins de figue de barbarie
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Agence Bio



Inter Bio Bretagne
