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Fruits legumes
Instituto Biodinamico
Fruits secs
Description : Prover Brasil for Export Ltda. has the Organic certification IBD of Brazil.
Produits diététiques
Instituto Biodinamico
Autres produits dietetiques
Description : Prover Brasil for Export Ltda. has the Organic certification IBD of Brazil.
Café, thé, chocolat
Instituto Biodinamico
Café & succédanés
Description : Prover Brasil for Export Ltda. has the Organic certification IBD of Brazil.
Description : We are Farm growers Cooperative and wholesalers of Organic Products from Sikkim and Uttarakhand in INdia.

Our Products are

Ginger,Turmeric,Potatoes,Corn,Millets,Buckwheat,Tomatoes,Kiwi,Oranges,White Onions,Temi Tea, bringal, carrots etc

Our Products are certified by Onecert and approved by USDA
Fruits legumes
Légumes frais

Long European cucumbers

Defense F1, Enza Zaden, the Netherlands
Defense differs from most varieties with its extremely vigorous growth. Thanks to it, Defense overcomes dark periods and fruiting recovers very quickly.
Fruit length: 34 – 37 cm. Weight 270 g – 350 g. Deep dark green fruit colour.
Resistances: CMV, Cca, Ccu, Px.

Delano F1, Enza Zaden, the Netherlands
Delano is a hybrid, created after Defense, for spring, summer and autumn production. It is a fast growing and CMV resistant variety. Its two most important features are fast growth and CMV resistance.
Ribbed fruit with saturated dark green colour.
Fruit length: 33 – 35 cm.

Columbia F1 Clause
Columbia F1 is a medium early greenhouse variety, grown all year-round. Long cylindrical fruit up to 35 cm with dark green colour. It is resistant to extremely high summer temperatures. Fruit length: 30 – 35 cm.
Resistances: CMV, Px, Cladiosporiosis.

Beef meaty tomatoes
Berberana F1, Enza Zaden, the Netherlands
An early variety with a strong and compact growth. Extremely uniform fruit, 250-300 g, with a perfect deep red color, hardness and excellent taste. Do not form core at high temperatures. The plant is strong, with good leaf cover and vigorous growth.
Fruit does not become smaller even after the seventh truss.
Resistances: ToMV, Ff, Va, Vd, Fol, TSWV, Ma\Mi\Mj.

Pink tomato HTP-11 F1 Hazera
HTP-11 F1 is a new indeterminate pink tomato, selected by Hazera. The hybrid is suitable for growing in both heated and non-heated greenhouses. The plant is compact with short internodes. Uniform fruit, 5-6 fruit per truss with average weight of 260-300 g; very tasty. Deep pink fruit without a green ring. The hybrid is not sensitive to high spring or summer temperatures.
Resistances: cracking and Vd, Fol1, ToMV, Mj, TSWV.
Fruit weight: 260 – 330 g.
Produits cosmétiques
autres Produits cosmétiques
Description : Ce soin bio, anti-âge d'exception permet de retrouver une peau éclatante de jeunesse.

Le Beurre de Karité bio protège la peau des agressions extérieures et du dessèchement.

Les huiles végétales (Huile de Sésame, d'Argan, de Jojoba) aux propriétés hydratantes et émollientes contribuent à préserver la souplesse de la peau.

Enrichi en cellules souches de Centella Asiatica, ce soin incontournable répond aux besoins de la peau et délivre une action anti-âge : les rides paraissent lissées, le visage plus ferme et le teint unifié.
Produits cosmétiques
autres Produits cosmétiques
Description : Ce soin bio, anti-âge d'exception permet de retrouver une peau éclatante de jeunesse.

Le Beurre de Karité bio protège la peau des agressions extérieures et du dessèchement.

Les huiles végétales (Huile de Sésame, d'Argan, de Jojoba) aux propriétés hydratantes et émollientes contribuent à préserver la souplesse de la peau.

Enrichi en cellules souches de Centella Asiatica, ce soin incontournable répond aux besoins de la peau et délivre une action anti-âge : les rides paraissent lissées, le visage plus ferme et le teint unifié.
Epices condiments
Ails, oignons
Description : We manufacture and export high quality organic herbal ingredients. We have our own 6000 acre Organic certified planting base.The main products are organic barley grass powder, organic wheat grass powder, organic alfalfa powder, Organic goji berry powder, organic sea buckthorn powder and Organic stevia extract
Fruits legumes
Autres fruits legumes
Description : We manufacture and export high quality organic herbal ingredients. We have our own 6000 acre Organic certified planting base.The main products are organic barley grass powder, organic wheat grass powder, organic alfalfa powder, Organic goji berry powder, organic sea buckthorn powder and Organic stevia extract
Produits diététiques
Autres produits dietetiques
Description : We manufacture and export high quality organic herbal ingredients. We have our own 6000 acre Organic certified planting base.The main products are organic barley grass powder, organic wheat grass powder, organic alfalfa powder, Organic goji berry powder, organic sea buckthorn powder and Organic stevia extract
Produits diététiques
Jus en ampoule
Description : We manufacture and export high quality organic herbal ingredients. We have our own 6000 acre Organic certified planting base.The main products are organic barley grass powder, organic wheat grass powder, organic alfalfa powder, Organic goji berry powder, organic sea buckthorn powder and Organic stevia extract
Produits diététiques
Extraits de plantes fraîches
Description : We manufacture and export high quality organic herbal ingredients. We have our own 6000 acre Organic certified planting base.The main products are organic barley grass powder, organic wheat grass powder, organic alfalfa powder, Organic goji berry powder, organic sea buckthorn powder and Organic stevia extract
Produits diététiques
Compléments alimentaires
Description : We manufacture and export high quality organic herbal ingredients. We have our own 6000 acre Organic certified planting base.The main products are organic barley grass powder, organic wheat grass powder, organic alfalfa powder, Organic goji berry powder, organic sea buckthorn powder and Organic stevia extract.
Description : The remarkable properties of the olive tree have been known since ancient times; there are many mentions in the Bible and the power of olive leaves to control fever was documented as early as the 1800s. The reason that olive trees survive and bear fruit for thousands of years is because of its oleuropein component. The polyphenol is present in the leaves, in the olives and in olive oil, yet is most concentrated in the leaf.

Oleuropein, a polyphenol, is the main active ingredient of olive leaf extract. Increasingly knowledgeable consumers seek out products with a high oleuropein content.

The oleuropein content of Palolea’s olive leaf extract is standardized to 20 percent, making it more potent than the industry standard, which is 10 to 18 percent.
Bioellas Sa
Description : The Biological Extra Virgin Olive Oil Bio Cretan Myron is produced according to the very strict rules on organic Farming, which strictly comply with the EU regulation (2092/91). The use of chemical fertilizers and toxic pesticides is prohibited. Only biological fertilizers are allowed for trees and dacus is confronted solely by means of traps. Our Biological olive cultivation offers olive oil of a safer quality, the ??? CRETAN MYRON. The Bio Cretan Myron is the result of the collaboration of our company with organic farmers in the most fertile areas of Crete. The ?io Cretan Myron is a product of a higher quality, which is directly produced from the extrusion of olives exclusively from the “Koroneiki variety”, the queen of the Greek varieties and only through mechanical methods. Usually, the harvesting takes place from November until the end of February. It is always stored in stainless tanks, where a natural filtering process takes place, removing foreign materials and humidity.

The average acidity of the ??? CRETAN MYRON varies between 0.3 % to 0.4 % max.

Taste: It is characterized as mild, with a medium fruity and spicy taste and a deep green color.

Use: It impeccably pairs sea-food, white meats, boiled vegetables and raw salads, by enriching taste and aroma.
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Agence Bio



Inter Bio Bretagne
