Press Release
April 14, 2009

Czech Organic Market Turnover Grew by 40 percent in 2008

Turnover of organic food in the Czech Republic grew by 40 percent in 2008 and reached CZK 1.8 billion (€ 68 million). Czech consumers thus spent more than CZK 0.5 billion more than in 2007.

The Czech organic market has been rising very dynamically over the last 3 years. The overall turnover rose by more than 250% since 2005.

Average consumption per capita was € 6.6 in 2008; the organic food and drink had a share of 0.75% (+36%) of the total Czech Republic food and drink market last year.

The share of imported organic food and drink on the total turnover was 57% last year, a decline of 5% compared to 2007.

“Number of organic food manufacturers grows rapidly. Particularly in the beef, bakery, milk and spices categories the share of domestic products is very high”, comments the statistical finding Tom Vaclavik from Green marketing.?

The largest organic category on the Czech market remains “Processed food”, even though its share declined slightly to 46%. The “Milk products” and “Produce” categories have gained share again last year and reached 22%, and 6% respectively.

Absolutely biggest sub-category on the Czech organic food market is “Baby food”, it has a share of over 17% on the total organic market. Main suppliers are HiPP (Germany) and Hame (Czech Republic).

The largest marketing channel for organic food remains supermarkets and hypermarkets. Its share on total turnover has been growing steadily and reached 72% in 2008, 5% more than in 2007. This trend will probably continue as the retailers keep introducing their private organic brands and expand offer. The retailers private organic brands had more than 20% share of the total number of organic products in this marketing channel.

The share of organic and health food shops on the sales has again declined from 22.5% in 2007 to 19% last year.

At the end of 2008 there was 1 946 organic farmers in the Czech Republic, over 600 more than a year ago. Total organic agricultural area grew by 28?742 ha (71?023 acres) to a total of 341?632 ha (844?191 acres) in 2008. The share of organic farmland reached 8.04% of the total agricultural land.

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More information available:

Tom Vaclavik, Tel.: +420 541263456,

All Wex




Agence Bio



Inter Bio Bretagne
