AIAB Press Release

Dear Sir,

The Italian Association for the Organic Agriculture AIAB (Region of Emilia Romagna), is organizing a Conference on “The Organic Method for the Management of Parks and Gardens – From the Design to the Maintenance of the Green Ornamental Spaces”.

The purpose of the Conference is to provide a survey on the state of the application of the organic method to the ornamental green and to illustrate the opportunity of considering this approach/method a concrete instrument to improve the quality of the environment with benefits for the human health and the natural resources. The application of a “organic approach/method” at the stage of project design can contribute to simplify the maintenance of the green spaces and decrease the economic costs of the management. The organic method is a concrete instrument to reach the sustainable management of parks and gardens.

The Conferencewill take place the 10th November 2006 in Imola, a town located at 30 km from Bologna , in the Emilia Romagna Region. The Conference will be held at the facilities of the Course on Ornamental Green and Landscape Preservation (Faculty of Agriculture, University of Bologna ). It will last one day and includes:

- Welcome by the Authorities;

- Introduction: the role and the importance of the organic method applied to the ornamental green spaces;

- First Session: the state of the art regarding the use of the organic method in the Region of Emilia Romagna;

- Second Session: survey on national and international experiences and case studies on the project design of green spaces applying the organic approach/method.

- Third Session: a) critical points of the traditional management and maintenance practices in the green ornamental urban spaces; b) presentation of concrete national and international experiences on the management and the maintenance of urban ornamental green spaces applying organic approach/methods;

- Fourth Session: the European Union, national and regional legislation on the use of organic approach/method and the environmental certification;

- Conclusion.

The Conference is supported by the Region of Emilia Romagna, which is leader in Italy on issues related to the agricultural organic practices, the Faculty of Agriculture of the University of Bologna , the Board of Agronomists of the Province of Bologna , the Province of Bologna , the Municipalities of Imola.

It is targeting the actors of the green sectors such as technicians, consultants, landscape architects, agronomists, private companies, public organizations and municipalities.

The Proceedings of the Conference will bepublished including the meeting presentations and a number of contributions on experiences and case studies carried out in Italy and abroad. The purpose is to produce a practical instrument of reference and technical support for the sector, from the project design of green ornamental spaces to their management and maintenance.

Presently, scientific and technical contributions are provided by representatives of the Region of the Emilia Romagna and the Municipalities within the Region, AIAB, Professors of the University of Bologna and Pisa, the Director of the Italian Association of the Municipal Directors of? Public Urban Green Services, the Phytosanitary Service of the Emilia Romagna Region, different organizations, research centres and consultants working in the sector. Speakers from European Union countries will be invited to present contributions on concrete case studies and experiences from their countries. These contributions will focus on the project design, the management and the maintenance of ornamental green spaces applying a organic approach/method. They will be presented in the Second Session and the Third Session (Point “b”) of the Conference and/or published in the Proceedings.

We would greatly appreciate to receive any suggestions and indications on concrete experiences, case studies and projects of particular interest which have been realized in the domain of design, management and maintenance of ornamental green spaces, applying a organic approach/method, in the countries of the European Union. We will select the proposals and contact the authors, the landscape architects and/or the responsible for the projects/programmes/activities in order to invite them to present their contribution during the Conference and/or to be published in the Proceedings.


Thank you for your assistance. We are looking forward to receive your proposals.

Yours sincerely

AIAB Emilia Romagna

Association for the Organic Agriculture Emilia Romagna

For further information on the this initiative, please contact



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