Closing Report

BioFach América Latina: Brazil positioning itself as partner for the international organic market

BioFach América Latina 2005 has exceeded all expectations: Over 70 per cent more visitors and over 42 per cent more exhibitors. This extremely successful conclusion was drawn by Nürnberg Global Fairs and its Brazilian partner Planeta Orgânico at the end of the event in Rio de Janeiro. For both the organizers and the project sponsor, the Deutsche Investitions- und Entwicklungsgesellschaft DEG, this is confirmation of four years of work on developing the Latin American organic market. Minister of Agriculture Roberto Rodrigues also paid tribute to BioFach América Latina, when he presented the government’s ambitious targets for the organic sector at the opening ceremony: “We have an enormous growth potential in organic agriculture. We intend to increase the share of organic production from the present 3 per cent to 20 per cent in the coming years.”

The complete press release and more information & downloads can be found on the following link:

Closing Report


Successful première of sustainability exhibition

“We are happy and surprised at how wonderfully the ExpoSustentat has been accepted by the visitors,” said Maria Beatriz Bley Martins Costa of Planeta Orgânico after the close of the première. The Brazilian partner company of Nürnberg Global Fairs was responsible for the content and for running the first sustainability exhibition, which took place at the same time as the third BioFach América Latina, the trade fair for certified organic products, on the Riocentro exhibition site in Rio de Janeiro from 16 -18 November 2005. The new event offered a platform for initiatives that essentially contribute to the sustainable development of Latin America: for example, small-farm agriculture, sustainable forestry and fishing, and fairtrade. Around 3,200 visitors from 23 countries came to BioFach América Latina and ExpoSustentat.

The complete press release and more information & downloads can be found on the following link:

Thank you for your interest.

With best regards from the Exhibition Centre Nuremberg

Your Press Team

Peter Ottmann

Sarah Schaeffauer-Koers

All Wex




Agence Bio



Inter Bio Bretagne
