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prix : 3€ à 4€/kg selon quantité
Warm Greetings from Barracuda International
Laksawi Group
Our Group is having a complete dedicated supply of Organic Spices, Tea, and Herbs from the cultivation of our Local Farmers. We ensure that the Best of Quality of Our Products reach our Valued Customers Worldwide, by adhering to the Best Quality Control & Process Control Systems. The quality reflects on the Products that we deliver. For further information on Product, Certification Please do not hesitate to contact us.
Organic Spices & Herbs
Ceylon Spices posses’ a very Specific aroma and Flavor when compared to the Spices grown in other regions. Quality Ceylon Spices are carefully processed and packed to preserve the best Aromatic and Flavor properties. Laksawi Spices are delivered to Our Valued Customers in Bulk form, Consumer packs form and Specialized packing known as spicy gifts.
Small Farmer Products
Our Organic Products are, cultivated by Small Organic Farmers. Most of our Spice Farmers are mainly gathered in the Central Highlands of the Country. Farmers are organized as independent farmer group called LESFA viz (Lanka Ecological Small Farmers\' Association). Our Organic Produce are Cardamom (ElettariaCardmomum),Turmeric (Curcuma Longa), Clove (EugeniaCaryophyllus), Black Pepper (Piper Nigrum), White Pepper (Piper Nigrum L), Mace (Myristica Fragrans Houtt), Nutmeg (Myristica Fragrans), Ginger (Zingiber Officinale), Vanilla (Vanilla Planifolia), Ceylon Cinnamon(Cinnamomum Verum), Garcinia (Garcinia Cambogia), Lemongrass (Cymbopogon Citratus), Curry Leaf(Murraya koenigii), Green Tea (Camellia Sinensis),
Fair trade Principle
All agricultural projects are developed not only focusing on the continuous supply but also focusing on the socio-economic development of the team members.
We welcome all interested initiatives to join hands, in assisting the Disadvantaged Primary Farmers help themselves, by providing more opportunities to sell their Organic Produce, produced under well equipped Processing Facilities.
Aravinthan Arulrajah
Managing Director
Barracuda International Pvt Ltd.
No 70/4 Saint Ritas Road, Mount Lavinia, Sri Lanka
Con el Té Verde Orgánico Gourmet usted disfrutará lo mejor de los dos mundos. El carácter excepcionalmente suave, rico y sabroso de una relajante y deliciosa taza de Té Verde Orgánico combinado con los beneficios del Ganoderma Orgánico 100 % Certificado harán que sus papilas gustativas salten. Este centro de energía es la envidia de los especialistas en sabor y expertos en nutrición de todo el mundo. Únicamente se encuentra disponible en Organo Gold.
El Café Negro Gourmet estimulará y despertará los sentidos de los amantes del Café. Usted se deleitará con el rico aroma familiar y el sabor del Café fresco recién preparado. Es una bebida conveniente “en cualquier momento” que se prepara en segundos. Lo más importante es que es el Café Más Saludable. El Café Negro Gourmet viene embalado con la virtud de los Hongos Rojos Ganoderma Lucidum 100 Por Ciento Certificado. Es realmente una fiesta en una taza para los amantes del sabor del Café Negro Gourmet.
Se dice que el cacao, de donde se crea el chocolate, se originó en el Amazonas hace al menos 4.000 años. Solo con un sorbo de Chocolate Caliente Gourmet comprenderá por qué valió la pena esperar. Esta infusión está hecha con todos los beneficios del Ganoderma Orgánico 100 Por Ciento Certificado.
5 Kg
15 Kg
25 Kg
Bulk organic sugar ,please contact.