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We are seeking worldwide marketing partners.
We can supply you good quality soapnut (Sapindus Mukorossi & Sapindus Trifoliatus), soapnut cores, soapnut half shells, whole soapnut, etc
Botanical Name : Sapindus Mukorossi
Sanscrit Name : Ritha, Arishta
English Name : Indian filbert, Soapnut.
Uses : Fruits are employed as emetic in doses of 1 o 2 drachms, as purgative in larger doses; nauseant and expectorant in doses of 10 o 20 grains of the pericarp or pulp and kernel of the fruit. Fruits contain about 11.5% of Saponin , which is used to washing the clothes.
Our qualiy soapnuts are grown in wild , so it is free from pesticide and it is grown naturally.
Please do not hesitate to write to us. It will be our pleasure to respond to your inquiries and specific requirements.
Omshakthi Exports
Phone no : 0091-4652-227422
Fax no : 0091-4652-224373
Mobile no : 919443402767
Web : www.ec21.com/omshakthi
Mail : omshakthiexports@hotmail.com