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L'annuaire Greentrade

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Offre N°
Fruits legumes
Control Union
Fruits secs
Description : Organic dried bananadices, dried mangodices, dried papayadices, dried pineappledices, dried Jackfruitdices. All dices 8-10 mm.
Lacon Gmbh
Autres boucherie, charcuterie
Description : Slaugtering and deboning of organic meat (Pork, beef, poultry). Producing of premium ham and sausages. Packaging for service and self-service
Fruits legumes
Autres fruits legumes
Description : Grower and packer of Organic fruit and vegetables
Bcs-oko Garantie Gmbh
Soja et dérivés (graines, germes, sauces, desserts, galettes)
Description : We are a Chinese supplier and we do the organic business for 6 years, and we are looking for the new clients now. Welcome to contact us, and visit our website:
Epices condiments
Ails, oignons
Description : We are Argentinean Growers and Packers. We have certificates to export to the US and to Europe. We grow garlic and asparragous.
Fruits legumes
Dio Certification And Inspection Organisation For Biological Production Methods
Autres fruits legumes
Description : Soigneusement sélectionnes, nous cueillons pour vous les meilleurs Oranges,Citrons, Clémentines ,Pomelos, kiwi Grec. Nous conditionnons tous les calibres dont vous pourriez avoir besoin et conditionnons également a façon si vous le souhaiter. Exportation directe chez vous avec départ de nos camions pour vos dépôts tous les samedis.
Plantes aromatiques medicinales
Qualite France
Autres plantes aromatiques medicinales
Description : Huiles essentielles biologiques
Instituto Biodinamico
Autres ingredients
Description : n/a
Instituto Biodinamico
Autres ingredients
Description : Our Guava Purée is certified as Organic, Bio Suisse and Biodynamic for most countries in the World (including USA, Japan, Australia and All countries in Europe). The Product is sold in Containers that contains 80 barrels with 225 Kg each, giving us a total of 18.000 Kg net weight per Container Load.
Fruits legumes
Bio Agri
Description : whe produce citryus from end of november to end of may and also extra virgin olive oil and olive
Gfrs Gesellschaft Für Ressourcenschutz Mbh
Autres huiles
Description : Macadamia Oil
Produits diététiques
Agrior Ltd
Autres produits dietetiques
Description : Health food & organic products
Fruits legumes
Quality Assurance International (qai)
Fruits ou légumes surgelés
Description : 1) Myrtilles sauvages surgelées IQF, toutes les qualités, à partir du grade A jusqu'à la qualité pour jus. 2) Myrtilles séchées Certification Bio auprès de QAI.
Epices condiments
Épices, poivres
Description : The Tamla produces organic ginger and termarid (Haldi) and wants to market for better prices.
Fruits legumes
Consorzio Per Il Controllo Dei Prodotti Biologici
Autres fruits legumes
Description : Naturitalia is the sales office of a group of cooperatives in Italy. Only the cooperatives are certified by ccpb.
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Agence Bio



Inter Bio Bretagne
