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L'annuaire Greentrade

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Offre N°
Produits sucres
Associazione Italiana Per L'agricoltura Biologica
Glaces, surgelés
Description : Organic ice cream:

ready to serve:
14 varieties of elegant cups, garnished with delicate and tasty flavours.
Tartufi, mousse and a selection of fruit filled with icecream

Icre cream in tubs:
Specially for icecream parlours and restaurants our icecream in tubs is the result of years of research for high quality ingredients.
21 flavours of the most popular requested in icecream parlours.

Delicate and surprisingly similar to the taste of a real fresh fruit, our sorbets are made with fresh fruit or juices and fruit pulp of high quality, without the use of milk derivates or fats.
Our sorbets are made with the ingredients traditionally used for producing sorbets and they are mostly used in restaurants where quality, presentation and taste are of prime importance
Washington State Department Of Agriculture
Fertilisants , engrais
Description : fertilizantes y abono orgánico
Washington State Department Of Agriculture
Autres huiles
Description : aceites orgánicos para limpieza y mantenimiento de madera
Fruits legumes
Fruits et légumes exotiques
Description : Fruits frais en nature
Plantes aromatiques medicinales
Comité Andaluz De Agricultura Ecologica (caae)
Huiles essentielles
Description : THYME *Thymus zigis Linalol
*Thymus zigis Timol
*Thymus hiemalis p-Cimene

ROSEMARY *Rosmarinus officinalis Camphor 10%

SPANISH MARJORAN *Thymus mastichina

SPANISH SAGE *Salvia lavandulifolia

ORANGE *Citrus sinensis

LEMON *Citrus limon
Produits sucres
Miel, gelée royale, tous produits de la ruche
Description : honey
Plantes aromatiques medicinales
Plantes médicinales
Description : all morrocan\'s medicinals plants
Céréales dérivés
Organic Crop Improvement Association (ocia)
Autres cereales derives
Description : aprx. 900 bushels of grade 1 organic large green lentils.
Cleaned and ready for shipment.
Fruits legumes
Fruits et légumes exotiques
Description : Hi,
We are growers of Color Capsicum and Herbs.
Autres ingredients
Description : We are a Bulk Organic commodity - bin display wholesaler in Canada servicing the Natural / Health food retail channels. We currently use the OTA Organic Trade association to source ingredients
Produits sucres
Autres produits sucres
Description : Organic honey
We are certified Nepal Food & Research Center by Government of Nepal.
Produits sucres
Consejo De Agricultura Ecológica De Castilla Y León
Miel, gelée royale, tous produits de la ruche
Description : Miel cristalizada, de consistencia cremosa y untable. Procedente del Parque Natural Fuentes Carrionas - Fuente del Cobre, en la Montaña Palentina. En envases de cristal de 1 kg. y 500 grs. y embalaje de cartón de 12 unidades. Las abejas que lo producen son cuidadas con esmero, empleando tratamientos sutiles a base de dinamizaciones con esencias florales con el fin de estimular y reforzar su sistema inmunológico, otros recursos a nivel energético y trabajando la consciencia para mejorar el nivel de comunicación con las abejas.
Produits traiteurs
Instituto Biodinamico
Autres produits traiteurs
Description : Organic Jam made with exotic fruits. Caju, tamarindo, papaya ,acerola etc
Description : Gala Group produce according to organic farming regulations (EU reg. 2092/91), different crops on a land surface exceeding two million square meters distributed in different Lebanese regions to ensure continuous production benefiting from diversity of climate conditions.

Gala Group Scientific team include Lebanese and international experts: - Qualified agriculture engineers experienced in different sectors covering Animal production and welfare, Vegetables production, Production under greenhouses, Arboriculture and orchard management, Soil fertility, agricultural Machinery, Food and dairy processing, as well as - Marketing experts, - Geologists, Hydro geologists, - GIS experts, - and Experts in Social works, in addition to large scale farmers experimented in production problems and financial threats.

Field of activities:
Gala Group field of activities include the following:

-Evaluation and SWOT analysis of ongoing organic projects.
-Project design market survey and feasibility study.
-Consultancy for farmers on the production and management of organic fields.
-Consultancy for organic livestock keepers on regulations, ration formulation, feeding principles, pastures and management of different farm types.
-Technical sheet elaboration
-Training for farmers and technicians on organic farming principles and techniques.
-Organization of seminars, training and workshop considering organic farming either for public or professionals.
-Farm design, integrated farming and permaculture.
-Consultancy for composting projects.
-Consultancy on marketing of organic products.
-Marketing of certified organic products.
Plantes aromatiques medicinales
Plantes aromatiques
Description : Green Earth Farm is a woman owned, Colorado Certified Organic farm producing a wide variety of medicinal and culinary herbs, herbal tinctures, natural body care products such as our Calendula Crème and Lip Balm, grains such as our quinoa and rye, gourmet potatoes, and vegetables. Our gift packs are a great way to sample the bounty of the farm. We offer an assortment of potatoes in one pack, and a sampler of our herbal skin care products along with a pound of quinoa to try, in another.
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Inter Bio Bretagne
