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L'annuaire Greentrade

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Offre N°
Produits cosmétiques
Soins du corps
Description : Made mainly with vegetable ingredients
Contains exclusively pure essential and vegetable oils
Selected raw materials (no SLS, SLES, PEGs, PPG, OGM, synthetic perfumes, colouring agents, petrochemical substances, ethoxilated, or other risk factors)
Does not alter the skin pH
Respects the hydrolipidic surface of the skin
Made with glyceric extracts
Does not contain preservatives considered allergic causing
No animal testing on finished product

Anti-age face cream, Hemp and Hamamelis
Moisturizing face cream, Hemp and Sweet Almonds
Moisturizing face cream
Cleansing lotion, Hemp and Mallow
Mask, Hemp and Mud from the Dead Sea
Body lotion, Hemp and Marigold
Hand cream, Hemp and Jojoba
Foot cream, Hemp and Mint
Pure Hemp Oil: for massage, hair, sun bathing; contains pure essential oils
Post-depilation moisturizing lotion, Hemp and Tea Tree
Aftershave lotion
Produits diététiques
Hungaria öko Garancia Kft
Autres produits dietetiques
Description : Organic wholegrain spelt cracker,baked using only flower and water without added sugar, salt, fat and yeast.It is ideal for a low fat,balanced diet.For supporting a healthier lifestyle we now have the cracker combined with Omega 3 fatty acids and blue green alga.It is also very useful for allergic, diabetic and neurodermitic patients.
Alimentation animale
Autres alimentation animale
Description : Northland specializes in the development, production and sales of Conventional Non-GMO and Certified Organic specialty variety seeds, grains, food ingredients and animal feed.

Corn and other Cereal Grains
Flour, Meals & Feeds
Soy Oil
Soy Lecithin
Soy Beverage Powders
Specialty IP Food Use Seeds
Produits diététiques
Bcs-oko Garantie Gmbh
Compléments alimentaires
Description : 100% Certified Organic Pomegranate and Red Grape Seed Extract
Elite Naturel Pomegranate and Red Grape Seed Extract are the perfect dietary supplements and serve as powerful antioxidants.
Bcs-oko Garantie Gmbh
Boissons sans alcool (eau, jus de fruits, légumes,boissons aux céréales, soja)
Description : 100% Certified Organic Juice and Seed Extract

Black Mulberry
Rose Sherbet
Bionix (Energy Drink)
Baby Juice
Red Grape Seed Extract
Pomegranate Seed Extract

Pomegranate, Grape, Quince, Pear, and Melon Juice also available in 100% Natural Juice.
Fruits legumes
Description : We are looking for a partnership/business contract for production of fresh and processed organic pears and plums.
Fruits legumes
Fruits frais
Description : We are looking for a partnership/business contract for production of fresh and processed organic pears and plums.
Epices condiments
Épices, poivres
Description : Organic producers of Turmeric.Certification from INDOCERT for EEC regulation 2092/91.Can also take specific plantations.
Fruits legumes
Fruits frais
Description : Organic Producers of Guavas and Lemon.Certification from INDOCERT for EEC regulation 2092/91.Can also take specific plantations.
Produits traiteurs
Description : Organic vegetable soups
Produits traiteurs
Autres produits traiteurs
Description : cheese, vegetables in glass, olive oil, vinegar, serrano ham, lomo, chorizo, dulce de membrillo, jam
Plantes aromatiques medicinales
Autres plantes aromatiques medicinales
Description : I have been given the task to search for "possible" buyers of non timber forest products such as medicinal plants, etc for the Department of Natural Resources.Any species available in local area for which there is a potential market. Please contact me to give details on any species needed. I have been given the task to survey local area for needed species and quantity of each species.
Produits sucres
Bioagricert (bac)
Autres produits sucres
Description : Edulcorant naturel liquide BIO extrait du jus de pommes biologiques ( 12 kg pour 1 kg de DolceDi ), se dissout dans boissons et aliments froids ou chauds.
Produits sucres
Bioagricert (bac)
Miel, gelée royale, tous produits de la ruche
Description : Nous sommes leader du miel en Italie, producteurs depuis plus de 70 ans, avec 16 références et nous recherchons un ou plusieurs distributeurs graossistes pour les magasins spécialisés
Produits sucres
Bioagricert (bac)
Confitures et gelés
Description : N°1 des confitures en Italie ( toutes confitures confondues ),Certifiées Bio, Kosher, AB, nos produits sont sans sucre ajouté, adoucis au jus de pommes. Nos confitures conservent tout le goût et la saveur des fruits frais. Notre société existe depuis plus de 70 ans, nous avons eu une progression en 2006 de plus de 31 % ( 24 % en 2005, 21 % en 2004...etc ). Nous recherchons pour la FRANCE un ou plusieurs grossistes distributeurs pour les magasins spécialisés.
Nous sommes également producteurs de miel ( 10 % de la production italienne ) et disposons de 16 références, toutes BIO en pots de 400 g, ainsi que de pâte à tartiner noisettes/cacao.
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Agence Bio



Inter Bio Bretagne
