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Epices condiments
Control Union
Épices, poivres
Description : We may take this opportunity to introduce ourselves as an exporter of Certified Organic Products located in India.

We take great pleasure to offer you Skal/Control Union Certified,Government of India, European Union EEC No. 2092/91 and National Organic Program (NOP) of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)
Organic Products at the most competitive rates. Certified Organic Products at the most competitive rates.
Céréales dérivés
Control Union
Riz, sarrazin, avoine, seigle, divers
Description : We may take this opportunity to introduce ourselves as an exporter of Certified Organic Products located in India.

We take great pleasure to offer you Skal/Control Union Certified,Government of India, European Union EEC No. 2092/91 and National Organic Program (NOP) of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)
Organic Products at the most competitive rates.
Céréales dérivés
Riz, sarrazin, avoine, seigle, divers
Description : We glad to introduce ourselves as the emerging certified organic foods supplier from Chennai.
We supply in retail packs in the brand name of PRO ORGANIC
We welcome your interest & enquiry about our certified pro organic products.
For more details visit us at
Pain confiserie chocolaterie
Pains, pains spéciaux
Description : Source This natural product is produced from organic soybeans, mechanically pressed and milled.

Description This soy flour is processed from whole, cleaned non-Genetically Modified,(non-GMO) food grade soybeans by mechanical pressing without using any solvent or any chemicals. It is available in both Conventional Non-GMO and Organic Non-GMO forms.

Physicochemical (Typical Analysis)
Moisture, %
Impurities, %
Fat/oil, %
Ureasic activity*
Particle size (mm)**
2,0 +/-0,2

Ingredient Label Organic Low fat Soybean flour.

Suggested Uses Ingredient for protein foods.

Packaging This product is packaged in 25 Kg cases, each case containing two vacuum-sealed 12.5 Kg barrier bags. Other packaging, including super sacs, is available.

Shelf Life One year at 12-14ºC, 55-65% relative humidity, in dark, in absence of oxygen.

Sample Size 10 fl oz. Larger samples available upon request.

Preservatives This product is supplied without preservatives.

Proximates Units/ 100g Typical Value
Water g 7.00
Protein g 46.00
Total lipid (fat) g 5.00
Carbohydrate, by difference g 38.50
Fiber g 7.00
Sugars, Total g 22.80
Ash g 5.50

Calcium. Ca mg 188
Iron. Fe mg 5.99
Magnesium. Mg mg 229
Phosphorus. P mg 593
Potassium. K mg 2570
Sodium. Na mg 18
Zinc. Zn mg 1.18
Copper. Cu mg 5.080
Manganese, Mn mg 3.080
Selenium, Se mcg 9.3

Microbiologycal (Proximates) Units/ 100g Typical Value
Hongos y levaduras UFC/g <5000
Micotoxinas g Ausencia
Salmonella spp Ausencia /25g
Rto. Aerob. Mesof. totales UFC/g <50000
Céréales dérivés
Description : Source This natural product is produced from organic soybeans, mechanically pressed and milled.

Description This soy flour is processed from whole, cleaned non-Genetically Modified,(non-GMO) food grade soybeans by mechanical pressing without using any solvent or any chemicals. It is available in both Conventional Non-GMO and Organic Non-GMO forms.

Physicochemical (Typical Analysis)
Moisture, %
Impurities, %
Fat/oil, %
Ureasic activity*
Particle size (mm)**
2,0 +/-0,2

Ingredient Label Organic Low fat Soybean flour.

Suggested Uses Ingredient for protein foods.

Packaging This product is packaged in 25 Kg cases, each case containing two vacuum-sealed 12.5 Kg barrier bags. Other packaging, including super sacs, is available.

Shelf Life One year at 12-14ºC, 55-65% relative humidity, in dark, in absence of oxygen.

Sample Size 10 fl oz. Larger samples available upon request.

Preservatives This product is supplied without preservatives.

Proximates Units/ 100g Typical Value
Water g 7.00
Protein g 46.00
Total lipid (fat) g 5.00
Carbohydrate, by difference g 38.50
Fiber g 7.00
Sugars, Total g 22.80
Ash g 5.50

Calcium. Ca mg 188
Iron. Fe mg 5.99
Magnesium. Mg mg 229
Phosphorus. P mg 593
Potassium. K mg 2570
Sodium. Na mg 18
Zinc. Zn mg 1.18
Copper. Cu mg 5.080
Manganese, Mn mg 3.080
Selenium, Se mcg 9.3

Microbiologycal (Proximates) Units/ 100g Typical Value
Hongos y levaduras UFC/g <5000
Micotoxinas g Ausencia
Salmonella spp Ausencia /25g
Rto. Aerob. Mesof. totales UFC/g <50000
Céréales dérivés
Oléagineux, protéagineux (colza, tournesol, soja, sésame, pois, fèves)
Description : Source This natural product is produced from non-Genetically Modified (non-GMO) soybeans which have been extruded and mechanically pressed.

Description This oil is processed from whole, cleaned non-Genetically Modified (non-GMO) food grade soybeans by extrusion, mechanical pressing without using any solvent or any chemicals.

Moisture, %
Free fatty acid, %
Peroxide Value, meqO

Ingredient Label non-Genetically Modified (non-GMO) Soy Oil.

Suggested Uses Ingredient for foods.

Packaging This product is packaged in 100 or 200 kg drums. Other packaging forms are available.

Shelf Life One year at 12-14ºC, 55-65% relative humidity, in dark, in absence of oxygen.

Sample Size 10 fl oz. Larger samples available upon request.

Preservatives This product is supplied without preservatives.
Produits sucres
Miel, gelée royale, tous produits de la ruche
Description : Sell pure Bee Honey, humidity maximum 18,5%, color:
Golden: 30mm to 50mm
Light Amber: 55mm to 75mm
White: 15mm to 30mm (at request)
Products are in full compliance with EC-regulation 2001/110/CE.

For further questions and quotes please send us an e-mail.
Céréales dérivés
Autres cereales derives
Description : We have various types of organic products, like peanuts, soya, flour, honey, all produced in Argentina or Chile.

Please do not hesitate to contact us to ask for a quotation
Alimentation animale
Description : We can supply you ex-Argentina with a mixture of organic soy meal and organic peanut meal. The mixture varies from 50/50 to e.g. 90/10. We can adjust the mixture according to your wishes.

Furthermore we have a new product, being a mixture of corn and soybean (sprouted).

Please send us your e-mail address so we can provide you with a specification of the various mixtures.
Céréales dérivés
Bio Agri
Riz, sarrazin, avoine, seigle, divers
Description : White & Brown rice, medium and long types. Also we can produce any kind of variety of rice, by contract
Description : The olive-picking process largely determines the quality of the oil that is produced. We pick up olives by hand thus avoiding damage to both the fruit and the trees. We use olives only from the trees. After picking, the most important factor in determining the quality of the oil is the time that elapses between the picking and the pressing of the oil. At the end of October, when the olives are still green, we collect the fruit in the morning and within a few hours they are taken to the oil press.

Our brand new oil press is designed in accordance with the antique pressing methods to produce a very limited quantity of high-quality olive oil.

The olive oil production process consists of 3 main stages: (1) olives are crushed into a paste, (2) the "olive juice" is squeezed out of the paste. and (3) the vegetative water from olives that is present in the "juice" is separated off from olive oil. To preserve richness and flavour we produce Dhara olive oil with patience and love, paying particular attention to hygiene and we add no chemicals or any other additives and supplements (enzymes, etc).
Céréales dérivés
Sgs, Austria Controll & Co Gesmbh
Riz, sarrazin, avoine, seigle, divers
Description : 20 tons of Basmati Paddy - HBC - 19, CERTIFIED ORGANIC

7 tons of Moong Bean - Certified Organic
Autres epicerie
Description : Ofrecemos polvo verde granulado y hojas secas de Stevia.

Contamos con la certificacion organica de Ceres.
Céréales dérivés
Oléagineux, protéagineux (colza, tournesol, soja, sésame, pois, fèves)
Description : Venta de sesamo desde Paraguay.
Céréales dérivés
Céréales (blé, orge, maïs, épeautre)
Description : certified organic flax
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Inter Bio Bretagne
