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Flavors: Ambrosia, Berry Delicious, Orange-Papaya & Natural
Recommended beverages to reduce high cholesterol and triglicerids levels in your blood, high pressure as well as fortify the immune system , this drink is sweeten with fructose there for it is ideal for not having glucose.

Flavors: Aplee, Mango Peach:
Recommended beverages to reduce high cholesterol and triglicerids levels in your blood, high pressure as well as fortify the immune system , this drink is sweeten with fructose there for it is ideal for not having glucose

Natural Soft Drink with Aloe Vera Juice & Pulp, Blue Berry Flavor

In recent studies done to diabetes patients it was detected a decreasing effect of the sugar from the blood which made the glucose to be absorbed and utilize by the muscle cells lowering down the levels rapidly in the blood stream. On top of that, makes the insulin flow in to the blood more efficiently
This proves That Aloe Vera contains really effective properties in a diabetes treatment, there for our product has all the healing properties of Aloe Vera.

This drink is characterize by its high calcium content which come directly from the Aloe Vera Leaves .
Calcium is a fundamental mineral for our bodies since it maintains and builds bones and teeth, regulates the heart rate ,helps keep muscular and nervous system functions properly, decreases risk of colon cancer as well as diminishes the cholesterol levels.

Todas las propiedades curativas del Aloe Vera Deshidratada 100 % puro y orgánico, Se encuentran en cada capsula de este producto
El Aloe Vera en su estado natural contiene Aminoácidos, Vitaminas, Minerales, Antioxidantes, Esteroles, los cuales te ayudan a mejorar tu salud.

Acondiciona y Protege tu piel; Este Gel contiene una alta concentración de extracto de Aloe Vera Totaloe Process y Vitaminas A y E; Limpia, Refresca, Hidrata y Nutre la Piel, Es especialmente formulado para ayudar a contrarrestar problemas leves en la piel como rozaduras, raspones o quemaduras provocadas por el sol y el fuego entre muchisímas otras.
Musc d\'hibiscus - 4000 organic seeds from the Hibiscus plant - 350 carefully picked Jasmine flowers - Sustainable organic australian Sandalwood - Organic corn alcohol - Organic Rose Damask flower water - plus lots of organic essential oils
Ambre essentiel - Organic Vanilla extract - 300 carefully picked roses - Sustainable organic australian Sandalwood - Organic corn alcohol - Organic Rose Damask flower water - plus lots of organic essential oils
Iris véritable - Iris rhizomes (dried for 3 years) - 120 Rose buds - 400 carefully picked Jasmine flowers - Organic corn alcohol - Organic Orange blossom flower water - plus lots of organic essential oils
Jasmine céleste - 600 carefully picked jasmine flowers - 300 rose buds - 120 orange blossom flowers - Organic corn alcohol - Organic Orange blossom water - plus lots of organic essential oils
Here at sharini we care for the environment with passion. We use only the finest ingredients sourced direct from fairtrade and ecological producers to offer you luxury that doesn\'t cost the earth.