IFOAM Launches Public Consultation on What ‘Organic’should Mean for Aquaculture

Organic aquaculture is a sector in fast development. Yet, for the organic movement, some fundamental questions are still on the table: can the concept of ‘organic’ really accommodate aquaculture and if so, on what scale?

For example, many species currently raised in organic aquaculture systems are carnivorous and are fed on leftovers from so-called 'sustainable fisheries', i.e. feed that is not certified organic and that may negatively impact wild fish stocks and ecosystems. Is 'organic' the best concept to describe those systems?

Helps us answer this, and other fundamental questions, by filling in oursurvey questionnaire. The consultation will end on July 2, 2014. Feedback must be sent to ogs @ifoam.org. Results of the consultation will serve to guide the IFOAM Standard Committee in the drafting of the next version of the IFOAM Standard.

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