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L'annuaire Greentrade
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We can supply large quantities of organic long grain and medium grain rice too.
peanuts etc,if you are interested, please contact me.
Pois fourrager / protéagineux
Féveroles avec /sans tanins, vicine/convicine
Farine Epeautre/ Seigle/ Engrain / Sarrasin/ 5 céréales
Orge de brasserie
Epeautre brut et décortiqué
3> CORN.
Elaborated from green banana CHAMPION, whose growth it provides the mother nature, thanks to the natural fertilization of the rivers of the Peruvian forest. DESCRIPTION ORGANOLÉPTICA:
The color of the Dust of Green Banana tree is yellow pale, of aspect it uniforms smooth and neutral flavor.
PROCESSING: Produced pelando green bananas, drying in solar dryers, without preservantes additives nor and ground. INGREDIENTS: Banana Verde 100%. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PARAMETERS:
Granulometría (% retained maximum 80 mesh): 5 Humidity (%).Maximum: 6 Proteins 3 - 4 Fats (%) Carbohydrates MICROBIOLOGY:
Count of plate aerobes (Maximum UFC/gr): 2500 Coliformes : Not detected Estafilococos Not detected Fungi and Leavenings (Maximum UFC/gr): 100 Salmonella : Not detected APPLICATIONS: The Green banana Dust CHAMPION, is appropriate to replace to the wheat flour. It can be used like neutral transporter of flavor, dry mixtures and also in liquid formulations. It has a very high power of gelatinización and elevated potassium content.
LIFE UTILITY RECOMMENDED AND STORAGE: Eighteen months, stored to a temperature approximated of 21°C or 70°F in the sealed original containers. CERTIFICATES: Certificates DIGESA. PACKING: 1 X 25 kg, net weight in coats of tocuyo of cotton. 25,3 kg gross weight by coat. The dimensions of the coat are 40.5x59.0 cm (measured inner).
our products are all certified organic, certified by BCS, SKAL, Ecocert and Ocia.