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Offre N°
Plantes aromatiques medicinales
Plantes médicinales
Description : Our company has around 500 registered farmers who are involving in certified organic farming practices, with an average experience level of 5 years. The total certified land area looked after by our company is around 1500 ha.

Carmel Organics has been involved in the trading of around 242 certified organic products, involving both cultivation and wild harvest.

Medicinal Herbs

Bibhitaka Brahmi
Durva grass powder - cynadon dactylon Garcinia
Garcinia gambogia dried Garcinia indica shell dried
Garcinia/Cambodge/uppage Gotukola
Indian Sarsaparilla,(sariva) Hemedismus indicus (Anantmul) Indian Spider Plant
Guggal Gymnema
Haritaki Kasundi
Liquorice Moringa leaves
Patchouli leaves(dried) Rambutan
Psyllium husk Psyllium seed
Safed Musli/Chlorophytum borivilianum Senna
Soap nut/ ritha (seeds) Soap nut/ritha(nuts)
Céréales dérivés
Céréales (blé, orge, maïs, épeautre)
Description : Our company has around 500 registered farmers who are involving in certified organic farming practices, with an average experience level of 5 years. The total certified land area looked after by our company is around 1500 ha.

Carmel Organics has been involved in the trading of around 242 certified organic products, involving both cultivation and wild harvest.


Barley whole
Basmati rice (white/brown)
Basmati rice-brown Basmati rice-white
Brown Rice Brown Sesame/Sesamum
Maize (Corn) Non-basmati paddy seed
Non-basmati rice Paddy Straw/Husk
Pearl Millet/Bajra Ragi (Finger Millet- other than seed)
Ragi/Finger Millet grain
red rice paddy Red rice paddy seed
Wheat flour Wheat husk
Wheat Maida Wheat Porridge/Dalia
Tún E H F
Bovin, ovin, porcin
Description : Organic lamb for sale. We can supply fresh or frozen in September and frozen all year round. Contact our dealer for more information:

phone +354 4552200

SAH afurðir ehf.
Produits sucres
Certification And Testing Centre
Autres produits sucres
Description : Organic bee bread from EU
Produits sucres
Certification And Testing Centre
Miel, gelée royale, tous produits de la ruche
Description : Organic honey from EU, wildflower
Fertilisants , engrais
Description : ROKOHUMIN is universal organic - mineral fertilizer in liquid form with content of aminoacids and humic acids for both foliar fertilizing as well as application by sealing
or incorporating into the soil as an extension to the basic fertilization with solid fertilizers.

ROKOHUMIN in liquid form is a universal fertilizer harmless to the environment, intended for treatment of vestures of all arable crops without exception. Composition of the fertilizer is designed in the way to best possibly adapt to the abilities of individual plants to receive nutrients through the leaf surface. Uniform and rapid absorption of the individual components of fertilizer is subject to compliance with good concentration and timing of individual applications. We use fertilizer primarily in open areas under cultivation, in plastic greenhouses, greenhouses and we apply it by all usually available methods, including drop irrigation.

Efficiency: 5 – 20 % increase of the yield, depends on the specific crop
Céréales dérivés
Autres cereales derives
Description : We can Supply Commodities (Soy,Beans, Rice, Corn, Sugar IC45, others) and Pure Honey
Céréales dérivés
Oléagineux, protéagineux (colza, tournesol, soja, sésame, pois, fèves)
Description : We can Supply Commodities (Soy,Beans, Rice, Corn, Sugar IC45, others) and Pure Honey
Café, thé, chocolat
Description : Sucre biologique et complet.
Aucune transformation.

Produit équitable, certifié ECOCERT.
Fertilisants , engrais
Description : ROKOHUMIN is universal organic - mineral fertilizer in liquid form with content of aminoacids and humic acids for both foliar fertilizing as well as application by sealing
or incorporating into the soil as an extension to the basic fertilization with solid fertilizers.

ROKOHUMIN in liquid form is a universal fertilizer harmless to the environment, intended for treatment of vestures of all arable crops without exception. Composition of the fertilizer is designed in the way to best possibly adapt to the abilities of individual plants to receive nutrients through the leaf surface. Uniform and rapid absorption of the individual components of fertilizer is subject to compliance with good concentration and timing of individual applications. We use fertilizer primarily in open areas under cultivation, in plastic greenhouses, greenhouses and we apply it by all usually available methods, including drop irrigation.

Efficiency: 5 – 20 % increase of the yield, depends on the specific crop

Role of HUMIC ACIDS in the fertilizer ROKOHUMIN
• it increase the intensity of respiration of plants (in the absence of oxygen makes breathing easier by quinonid structures which at the oxidation in plant cells take in hydrogen)
• it increase the chlorophyll content
• it helps to improve photosynthesis at lower light intensity, e.g. in greenhouses or plastic greenhouses (increasing adsorption of photons)
• it affects income and transport of nutrients (it binds macro and micronutrients to the chelate complexes, from which theplants take them in easier)
• they affect positively on the development of root system, increasing the overall germinative capacity and overall viability

Application by foliar fertilization:
• Represents a simple and targeted application through which the plant obtains nutrients and deficient components fast and specifically.
• In the initial phase of vegetation provides vital growth and increased resistance of the treated plants to diseases andadverse weather conditions, because exactly at that time it isnecessary to strengthen condition or possible fast recovery.
• It works in cases where there is a lack of moisture in the soil which leads to physiological blockage of nutrient intake by root system. Similarly, fertilizer helps in conditions of excessive soil moisture, when the physiological and biochemical activity of the root system is limited due to lack of oxygen in the soil environment. Last but not least, in the situations where there is leaching of nutrients into the lower layers away from the roots,or floating into surface waters.

Through foliar fertilization by fertilizer ROKOHUMIN it is possible to improve overall plant health and with relatively low cost to help achieve excellent outcomes in terms of height and quality of harvest of grown crops. Generally applies that we apply fertilizer during the period of regeneration fertilization together with herbicides, respectively at the nearest entry to vestures.

Application in the form of sealing or direct incorporation into soil:
• serves as an extension to the basic fertilization
• is particularly beneficial in cases when the soil is lower inessential nutrients, or if there is a lack of organic matter in the soil
• to ensure the correct application process it is necessary
to use modern mechanisms allowing application of fertilizer directly into the soil (using slurry tanker or side-dressed cultivator)


total nitrogen (N) min. 50 g / liter
phosphor (P2O5) min. 40 g / liter
potassium (K2O) min. 60 g / liter
humic acids min. 80 g / liter
Fertilizer also contains sulfur, iron, boron, zinc, copper, manganese, molybdenum.
pH: 6.5 to 7.0
density of fertilizers (at 20 °C): 1.20 kg / liter
form: a dark liquid with a characteristic odor
Certificate number: 952
Issued by: Central Controlling and Testing Institute in Agriculture (ÚKSÚP) on 9th of August 2010

Application and dosing:
It is applied by spraying on the leaves starting at 40 to 50% land coverage by leaves so that the surface of leaaves is sufficient for efficient nutrient intake from fertilizer. The application is optimal at this time, since there is the best utilization of the components stimulating the growth of the root system and aboveground mass production. In general, it is necessary to focus on a crucial phase of the vegetation
of a particular crop. Recommended dosage ranges from 5 to 10 liters of concentrate per hectare, depending on the specific crop. Fertilizer can be mixed with commonly used pesticides. In the event that the miscibility of pesticides allows it, miscibility can also be combined with highly enriched liquid nitrogen fertilizer - (by tank-mix).
Produits diététiques
Autres produits dietetiques
Description : Amaranth contains calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, and potassium. Unlike grains Amaranth is documented to contain Vitamin C. It is rich in amino acids, which are essential for human growth, the well-being of bone tissue, and provides energy for breaking down fats.

Studies have shown that the protein levels of Amaranth seeds are higher than that of grains and cereals, therefore making it a super food and potentially a staple that may help to improve nutrition throughout the world. A study in Canada showed that Amaranth contains phytosterols that may help to maintain normal cholesterol levels.

Importantly, Amaranth is gluten-free, making it a perfect addition to flour blends, sauces, soups and stews.
Produits diététiques
Compléments alimentaires
Description : Maitake Mushroom is native to Japan but is now also cultivated in other temperate regions of the world. This mushroom has been prized for centuries in Japan for its therapeutic qualities and delicious woody flavor. In feudal times, Maitakes were extremely valuable, and to this day they are hunted in the wild. It is said that Maitake lovers jealously keep locations a secret until their dying day.

Mai means dance and take means mushroom. Legend has it that Maitake hunters would dance for joy when they finally came across this elusive King of Mushrooms. It is only since the 1980s that they have been cultivated, to satisfy a growing demand in the culinary industry and for their well researched medicinal reputation.

Recent studies have shown that the presence of the polysaccharide beta glucan in Maitake Mushrooms support its traditional therapeutic use to enhance a healthy immune system Preliminary studies have shown that Maitake extract has positive effects in maintaining healthy blood sugar levels, supporting bone health and blood pressure in the normal range.
Maitake contains potassium, calcium and magnesium that are essential for a healthy body. Present are the vitamins riboflavin, D and niacin that supports metabolism and a healthy blood system. Maitakes contain fibers that support digestive health and amino acids, which is essential in the human diet for sustaining the body.

Maitake Mushrooms thrive on the forest floor, clustered in the dark among leaf litter, at the foot of oak or similar trees. Maitake is indigenous to temperate hardwood forests, feeding on the dead roots of aging trees and thriving in conditions that have a limited range in temperature, moisture and humidity. They surface from dark grey mounds beneath the soil at the base of the tree, emerging with frond-like fruiting bodies of fungi overlapping each other.

In the United States they are known as hen of the woods, because of their grey to brown color, occasionally with a tint of orange, which apparently resembles hen feathers. Beneath the fruit are spores that sprinkle the forest floor or are carried away by the wind. Maitakes have been known to grow up to a weight of 50 pounds. They can also be found in the northern temperate forests of Europe and other parts of Asia.

Maitake Mushrooms are a good source of protein and are especially succulent, making them a perfect ingredient in a tasty vegetarian recipe.
Produits diététiques
Compléments alimentaires
Description : Kale is a very good source of Vitamin K, as well as Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin B6, Calcium, Potassium, Copper and Manganese. This nutritious leafy green also contains Dietary Fiber, Thiamin, Riboflavin, Folate, Iron, Magnesium and Phosphorus. As is common in cruciferous vegetables, Kale has numerous compounds contained in its curly leaves that may be beneficial to one's health. One such compound is indole-3-carbinol, which may support colon health, and also sulforaphane, which has been shown to be beneficial for cardiovascular health. Kale also has the 3,3'-Diindolylmethane compound, which research shows may support the health of the pancreas. Studies have also shown that Kale may also be beneficial to the cardiovascular system as well as the bladder.*

FDA Disclaimer
Produits diététiques
Compléments alimentaires
Description : Applications:
Our Ashwagandha products have a wide variety of applications including:
Supplements, capsules, tablets, nutritional powders

Specifications for our Ashwagandha Powder:
Product Name: Ashwagandha Powder
Botanical Source: Withania Somnifera, Cherry powder, Indian ginseng
Part used: Root
Ingredients: Pure powder only, no carriers added
Appearance: Brownish free flowing powder
Mesh size: 100% through 60 mesh
Origin: India
Certification: GMO and Food Grade
Treatment method: Untreated
Minimum quantity: 25 kg
Solubility: Partly soluble
Supply Ability: 25 kg to 5000kg plus
Port: LA
Packaging: 25 kg drums
Produits diététiques
Compléments alimentaires
Description : Purple Corn (Zea mays), often referred to as purple maize, grows in much the same manner as the common sweet yellow or white corn available at your local supermarket. The plant consists of tall, thick, sturdy stalks which have internodes similar to those of bamboo canes. The ancient cultivation of Purple Corn is unique in that it is grown on pristine family farms which do not use any types of pesticides, chemical fertilizers, GMOs or any forms of hybridization.

The corn is pollinated via the silk strands that emerge from the top of the ear, which are actually long stigmas. Each strand of silk that is pollinated produces one kernel of corn, which is considered the fruit of the plant. Each ear of corn can have up to 600 kernels on a cob up to seven inches long.

Purple Maize kernels are a deep violet hue and were used for centuries by the Mayans and Aztecs as a natural dye and food coloring. Purple Maize is a key ingredient in a popular Peruvian drink called chicha morada.
The more you find out about the benefits of Purple Maize, the more a-maiz-ed you will be! Containing higher levels of anthocyanins than what is typically present in most purple fruits and vegetables, Purple Corn has been shown to support kidney health in certain individuals and promote a healthy body weight.

The anthocyanins present in Purple Corn are specifically Cyanidin-3-Glucoside, Pelargonidin and Peonidin. These powerful components have been linked to the management of blood sugar levels already in normal range and may even promote colon health.

As is common in all brightly colored fare, the phenolic acids in Purple Corn have incredible abilities to ease the oxidative stress caused by an excess of free radicals in the body.
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Inter Bio Bretagne
