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Offre N°
Produits diététiques
Bcs-oko Garantie Gmbh
Autres produits dietetiques
Description : Juice from selected Aloe Vera filets (Barbadensis Miller), with citric acid, uses for Aloe Vera beverages and cosmetic products
Bcs-oko Garantie Gmbh
Autres boissons
Description : Juice from selected Aloe Vera filets (Barbadensis Miller), with citric acid, uses for Aloe Vera beverages and cosmetic products
Bcs-oko Garantie Gmbh
Autres boissons
Description : Juice from selected Aloe Vera filets (Barbadensis Miller), honey (8%), preserved with vitamin C, citric acid and potassium sorbate, uses for Aloe Vera beverages
Bcs-oko Garantie Gmbh
Autres ingredients
Description : Aloe Vera dices, 10x10x10mm, from hand selected filets of Aloe Vera (Barbadensis Miller), citric acid, syrup, certified organic, uses for food products, Yogurts
Fruits legumes
Bcs-oko Garantie Gmbh
Fruits ou légumes surgelés
Description : 100% pure Aloe Vera fillets, crushed, from hand selected leafs of Aloe Vera (Barbadensis Miller), citric acid, certified organic, frozen
Bcs-oko Garantie Gmbh
Autres ingredients
Description : 100% pure Aloe Vera fillets, crushed, from hand selected leafs of Aloe Vera (Barbadensis Miller), citric acid, certified organic, frozen, uses for food products
Bcs-oko Garantie Gmbh
Boissons sans alcool (eau, jus de fruits, légumes,boissons aux céréales, soja)
Description : Juice from selected Aloe Vera filets (Barbadensis Miller) 99,7 % preserved with vitamin C, citric acid and potassium sorbate, uses for Aloe Vera beverages and cosmetic products
Produits diététiques
Lacon Gmbh
Compléments alimentaires
Description : VINOCELL™ red wine powder, freeze dried, without any additives, 100% pure (certified organic); Suitable for use in cosmetic and pharmaceutical products, health care and nutraceutical formulations; dark red, fine powder
Bcs-oko Garantie Gmbh
Autres boissons
Description : Juice from selected Aloe Vera filets (Barbadensis Miller) 99,7 % preserved with vitamin C, citric acid and potassium sorbate, uses for Aloe Vera beverages
Bcs-oko Garantie Gmbh
Autres boissons
Description : Juice from selected Aloe Vera filets (Barbadensis Miller) 99,5 % preserved with citric acid, potassium sorbate, ascorbid acid, uses for Aloe Vera beverages and cosmetic products
Plantes aromatiques medicinales
Instituto Biodinamico
Plantes médicinales
Description : Dry goods mushroom Agaricus Blazei Murril
Instituto Biodinamico
Autres intrans
Description : Other Products for organic farming
Autres boissons
Description : We trade in raw materials for the organic food processing industry
Produits cosmétiques
Oregon Tilth Certified Organic
autres Produits cosmétiques
Description : Soaps made with organic oils. Other body care products in development.
Epices condiments
Autres epices condiments
Description : Turmeric, ginger, black pepper, white pepper etc.
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Agence Bio



Inter Bio Bretagne
