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L'annuaire Greentrade

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Offre N°
Fruits legumes
Bcs-oko Garantie Gmbh
Fruits ou légumes surgelés
Description : IQF, Puree, Freeze-Dried and Juice Concentrates of Strawberries, wild strawberries, raspberries, black currants, red currants, sour cherry, aronia, elderberry and apple.
Epices condiments
Bio Agri
Autres epices condiments
Description : Fresh organic chives, i recive price proposicion, certificate, thyme and marjoram, fresh and dryed, conventional herbs with acological practices for exportation
Fertilisants , engrais
Description : Humus de ver de haute qualité, dans récipients de 50 kg, production 100 écologique% place occupée au Pérou stanbdares international bas. Bientôt HUMUS FOSFO.
Fruits legumes
Fruits secs
Description : Exportateur des fruits et legumes biologiques surtout les dattes du sud Tunisien nous certifier BIO,BIOSUISSE,ET NOP
autres Textile
Description : Assisi Garment industry got its starts in the year 1994 pioneering in the manufacture of Cotton garments using Organic cotton. We are non-profit rehabilitation program in Tamil Nadu India. The company is first of its kind in Tirupur, which is run by Fransican Sisters where 120 young women who are handicapped and / or economically disadvantaged. We primarily focus our production of organic cotton knitted products like T-Shirts that are so soft and sophisticated to feel and fall in love with it.At present we are certified with ISO 9001 – 2000 certification, the company is involved in the process of achieving SA 8000 certification. Our Organic cotton is certified by the ECO-CERT certification from Germany, we also confirm ECO –standard labels as that of SOIL Association Logo and OTA according to the specified guideline process such as that of IVN. We are enriched to be a member of the IFAT family.
Soil Association Certification Ltd
Autres epicerie
Description : Established in the early 80's this company offers excellent value organic products and ingredients to wholesalers and food processers. Dried fruits edible oils, drinks and the best selling organic pitta breads are some of the main lines.
Céréales dérivés
Céréales (blé, orge, maïs, épeautre)
Description : Chanvre écalé, sarrasin écalé, écales de sarrasin, épeautre, kamut, farines
Produits diététiques
Autres produits dietetiques
Description : Spiruline-Bio premium grade
Autres ingredients
Description : Spiruline-Bio
Plantes aromatiques medicinales
Autres plantes aromatiques medicinales
Description : Calendula flowers dried whole, cut, petals per client request. Organic certification: Egyptian Center of Organic Agriculture (ECOA)
Plantes aromatiques medicinales
Autres plantes aromatiques medicinales
Description : Dried Peppermint produced in different forms per your request. Organic certification: Egyptian Center of Organic Agriculture (ECOA)
Plantes aromatiques medicinales
Autres plantes aromatiques medicinales
Description : Chamomile flowers, dried whole, sifting, powder or as needed. High quality and competitive prices. Organic certification: Egyptian Center of Organic Agriculture (ECOA)
Café, thé, chocolat
Instituto Biodinamico
Café & succédanés
Description : I am a productor/dealer interested in selling organic coffee to EU.
Oregon Tilth Certified Organic
Boissons alcoolisées (apéritifs, bière, cidre, champagne,eau de vie, vin)
Description : organic lemon, orange, lime and grapefruit juice from USA and Mexico
Fruits legumes
Japan Organic & Natural Foods Association
Autres fruits legumes
Description : Mushroom, desiccated coconut
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Agence Bio



Inter Bio Bretagne
