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L'annuaire Greentrade

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Offre N°
Produits diététiques
Compléments alimentaires
Description : Our company is in the process of streamlining the best suppliers of virgin coconut oil, coffee and organic sugar. We are a wholesaler/reseller of these products to be delivered by bulk as raw material in cosmetics or as food and dietary supplement or as raw material in pharmaceutical production of medicines.We are hoping to find a very good trading partner who could give us a break in the European market and grow from that relationship continually sourcing ouot the best producers that will meet the buyers\' high quality standards.
Céréales dérivés
Céréales (blé, orge, maïs, épeautre)
Description : sommes producteus de cereales bio
Autres ingredients
Description : The fruit and vegetable powders produced and distributed by our company are exclusively made from natural and bio raw materials. Due to the special vacuum-drying process developed by our company, the original ingredients that are responsible for taste, flavour, aroma, scent and colour are preserved in a concentrated form similarly to the vitamins, the macro- and microelements and most of the biologically active components.No artificial, synthetic additives, colouring agents or preservatives are used during the manufacturing.
Fruits legumes
Fruits ou légumes déshydratés
Description : The fruit and vegetable powders produced and distributed by our company are exclusively made from natural and bio raw materials. Due to the special vacuum-drying process developed by our company, the original ingredients that are responsible for taste, flavour, aroma, scent and colour are preserved in a concentrated form similarly to the vitamins, the macro- and microelements and most of the biologically active components.No artificial, synthetic additives, colouring agents or preservatives are used during the manufacturing.
Produits diététiques
Extraits de plantes fraîches
Description : The fruit and vegetable powders produced and distributed by our company are exclusively made from natural and bio raw materials. Due to the special vacuum-drying process developed by our company, the original ingredients that are responsible for taste, flavour, aroma, scent and colour are preserved in a concentrated form similarly to the vitamins, the macro- and microelements and most of the biologically active components.No artificial, synthetic additives, colouring agents or preservatives are used during the manufacturing.
Céréales dérivés
Riz, sarrazin, avoine, seigle, divers
Description : 01) Naturally-organic mountain-bred magenta rice.
02) Wild-harvested on high-altitude volcanic soil
from Mount Mayon in Albay, Bicol Province.
03) Farmer-owned.
04) Rain-fed.
05) Aromatic.
06) Sun-dried.
07) Unpolished.
08) Low-yielding.
09) Long-maturing.
10) Dry-season harvest.
11) Harvested once-a-year.
12) Non-mutagenic.
13) Non-transgenic.
14) Non-allergenic.
15) Non-pathogenic.
16) Non-carcinogenic.
17) Non-biotechnology infected.
18) Non-Genetically Engineered pollen infested.
19) Non-Genetically Modified Organisms contaminated.
Café, thé, chocolat
Description : 01) Organically-grown.
Plantes aromatiques medicinales
Huiles essentielles
Description : 100 % pure and natural Essential Oils and
Aromatic Compositions with natural Essential Oils
in organic Quality
Produits cosmétiques
autres Produits cosmétiques
Description : Aromatic Bubble Bath
Sea Salt Bath
Algea Bath
Shower Gel

all BDIH Quality
Produits cosmétiques
Description : Natural Perfumes for Woman and Men
with 98 % of the ingredients in organic quality
with the BDIH Label
Produits cosmétiques
Soins du corps
Description : Natural Skin Care products:
Facial Cream,
Anti-Ageing Serum,
Cleansing Milk,
Hand Cream,
Foot Balm
Body Lotions,
Body Oils

all with the BDIH Label
Description : Fair trade womenswear fashions from environmentally friends fabrics
Fruits legumes
Fruits secs
Description :
Zess, being a foreign trade firm, has a proven track record of international marketing and sales in \"organic food\" sector.
Our essential concentration is in products that Turkey has a strong background such as hazelnuts in every form, dried fruits and pulses. We believe in flexibility together with punctuality in foreign trade as much as product quality that we proudly state our operational facility is already certified by IMO Institut für Marktökologie GmbH referring to EEC No:2092/91 regulation.
Furthermore, in the event if we receive a demand for a specific product, packaging and etc, we surely do our best in order to fulfill the inquiry.
We are very thankful for our success in establishing a strong position internationally by means of marketing strategies, reliability, being cost effective owing to our suppliers’ supports in a very short time.
Epices condiments
Autres epices condiments
Description : We grow and export organic cardamom and lemongrass certified by BIOLATINA
Produits sucres
Miel, gelée royale, tous produits de la ruche
Description : Organic Bee Honey
Moisture under 19%
Color LA
HMF under 20 mg/kg
Others accordiling to International Honey Standards
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Agence Bio



Inter Bio Bretagne
