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- gamme complète de charbon végétal activé
- gamme de jeunes pousses de céréales : Orge vert, Alfalfa, Epeautre
- gamme de Noni hawaiien
- Gamme de Goji (litre, baies, barre, vrac)
- Silicium organique nouvelle génération
- Silicium biologique

We produce bodysuits, babygrows, dresses, pants, bibs, caps, hooded towels, sheet sets for cribs, blankets, bathrobes, slippers, and many other products.
NaturaPura assures the respect for Man, for our organic cotton products are 100% healthy, safe and suitable for those with sensitive skins and allergies; and for the Environment .
Our products are made according to strict quality and environmental criteria, and are certified with the European Union’s Eco-Label.

NaturaPura assures the respect for Man, for our organic cotton products are 100% healthy, safe and suitable for those with sensitive skins and allergies; and for the Environment .
Our products are made according to strict quality and environmental criteria, and are certified with the European Union’s Eco-Label.

Our organic cotton is grown around Izmir region in Western Turkey where one of the best quality cotton in the world is grown. We are involved in all stages of the chain from growing the cotton until the end product. Organic cotton fabrics are dyed (low impact dyes) and finished mechanically according to certifying body's standards.
We are also member of Organic Exchange and in addition to our 100 % organic cotton products, we can also produce organic cotton blends with conventional fibres.
Certainly we produce also conventional cotton products in our own production line depending on our important brands around Europe.
We are certified by Control Union ( their former name was SKAL of Netherlands) from agricultural practices until the end product that cotton is grown according to the rules for organic production which have been laid down in the European Union Regulation N0. 2092/91 and all processes from cotton to the end product is accoring to Sustainable Textile Standards of Skal and GOTS (Global Organic Textie Standards). We have ISO 9001 Quality Management System. We are a part of JO-IN Initiative (there are only 6 companies selected in Turkey for this Initiative) which is formed by Clean Clothes Campaign, Ethical Trade Initiative, Fair Labor Association, Fair Wear Association, Social Accountability International and Workers Rights Consortium.
Our product range consists of mainly knitted sportswear/ outdoorwear garments such as t-shirts, tanks, tops, sweatshirts, shorts, pants besides these we have some woven products like shirts, blouses, pants, towels, bathrobes, bedding items. We produce also baby collection with private label.
Please send us specs of your collection so that we can tell you possibilities for production and preliminary prices.
Also we can send you fabric swatches and garment samples upon your request.

Our organic cotton is grown around Izmir region in Western Turkey where one of the best quality cotton in the world is grown. We are involved in all stages of the chain from growing the cotton until the end product. Organic cotton fabrics & yarns are dyed (low impact dyes) and finished mechanically according to certifying body's standards.

our products are certified organic by SGS cameroon

Production Process
Organic Sugar Cane
There are many years of protection of the ecosystem behind Providencia Organic Sugar. From soil preparation to sugar production, only natural products are used while the company has hundreds of employees who cut the cane naturally, without burning a single leaf. It takes us longer to produce our organic sugar because we only use products that nature itself can offer.