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Irish Organic Farmers And Growers Association Ltd (iofga)
Autres huiles
Description : Organic flax oil.
Alimentation animale
Autres alimentation animale
Description : we have pure and organic honey from india
Matières premières pour cosmétique
Description : Somos representantes de Green Harvest, abono organico enriquecido con solutos de Neem, Pongamia, Humus y otros micronutrientes los cuales actuan como nematicida, bactericida, virucida y repelente de insectos.
Control Union
Description : ORIMPEX manufactures 100% organic cotton and bamboo clothing.
Plantes aromatiques medicinales
Huiles essentielles
Semences au détail
Description : Pure organic walnut seeds from home grower from south part of Slovakia lowlands. Very good quality, hand seed-extraction.
Semences en vrac
Description : Pure organic walnut seeds from home grower from south part of Slovakia lowlands. Very good quality, hand seed-extraction.
Boissons sans alcool (eau, jus de fruits, légumes,boissons aux céréales, soja)
Description : Christodoulou Bros SA has had a constant presence in the fresh fruit industry since 1955 and now is the largest fruit processing group in Greece.

The fruit processing began in the early 70's and today CHB-VITOM processes annually more than 150,000 tonnes of Greek fruits such as: oranges, peaches, apricots, apples, pears, lemons, kiwis, grapes, cherries, plums, pomegranates, carrots and grapefruit.
From these fruits, as well as combinations of these, CHB-VITOM produces a wide range of products such as juices, juices packed for others (private label), canned fruits, fruit preparations, purees, sorbets, ice cream and coffee syrups, etc. In addition, CHB manufactures drink bases and mixtures of them for juices and fruit drinks.
The above products are sold to: juice and soft drink bottling companies, dairies, ice cream manufacturers, jam and baby food producers, companies that belong to the HORECA sector, supermarket chains as well as to perfume companies.

Organic products are made from fruits that have been cultivated without the use of any chemical fertilizers or pesticides, but with natural ways of cultivation with various manure and other nature methods of protecting the plants.

With the return to traditional cultivation methods, they contribute both to the preservation of tradition and the protection of the environment as no chemical residues pass to the underground water supply. This results in organic fruits that have a better taste and are richer in vitamins and minerals.

CHB-VITOM gives special attention to a healthy, balanced diet and includes a large variety of organically cultivated products. Specifically, it produces juices and by-products of them, primarily from Greek citrus fruits like oranges and lemons.

Moreover, CHB-VITOM offers the opportunity to bottle private label organic products.
Dio Certification And Inspection Organisation For Biological Production Methods
Boissons sans alcool (eau, jus de fruits, légumes,boissons aux céréales, soja)
Description : Why Christodoulou family organic juices

Certified organic, Christodoulou family juices are made of fruits that have ripened without the use of any fertilizers or pesticides.

They come in Shelf stable Tetra Pak packaging, with 12 months sheld life in ambient environmnet.

• Completely natural with 100% fruit content
• Without Water added, sugar or colouring
• Without sweeteners
• With no Preservatives
• Not from concentrate
• With no added water
• Gluten free

Organic Orange Juice
Organic Apple Orange Carrot Juice
Organic Apple Orange Banana Mango Passion Juice
Epices condiments
Autres epices condiments
Description : Organic herbs
Fertilisants , engrais
Description : producer of organic based fertilizers
Fruits legumes
Légumes frais
Description : Production et distribution de légumes frais et de saison prêt à déguster.
Fruits legumes
Fruits frais
Description : Chaque semaine, nous vous proposons des paniers fruits issus de l'agriculture biologique. Nos paniers sont disponibles en 3 formats et leurs contenus varient selon les saisons.
Fruits legumes
Instituto Mediterraneo Certificazione
Fruits et légumes exotiques
Description : Nous pouvons proposer tous les Fruits & Légumes Biologique produits en Tunisie, notre démarche est de construire en coopération avec les organisations professionnelles et institutionnelles, une filière Bio en Tunisie.
Les principales variétés cultivées sont en Frais :
Tomates ronde et tomates cerise, Piments doux, fort, Meski, Poivrons vert, jaune, rouge, Aubergines, Courgettes, Ail, Oignons, Echalotte, Potiron, courges, Navets, Fèves, Carottes, Grenades, Amandes, Abricots, Oranges, Mandarines, Clémentines, Céréales.
Ces produits seront proposés surgelés IQF d'ici quelques mois, découpés, nature ou grillés, sur un site qui sera certifié Bio, IFS et BRC.
Nous disposerons aussi de tomates Biologique séchées, conditionnées en fonction de la demande.
Fruits legumes
Soil Association Certification Ltd
Fruits secs
Description : Nous pouvons offrir un éventail très de fruits secs organiques, y compris des abricots, de cerises, de dates, de figues, de gingembre cristallisé, de pruneaux, de raisins secs et de sultanines.
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Agence Bio



Inter Bio Bretagne
