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Health-promoting phenolic compounds contained in the grains are readily bioaccessible and high Calcium contents favor bone strengthening and dental health Protein content in proso millet grains is comparable with that of wheat, but the share of essential amino acids (leucine, isoleucine and methionine) is substantially higher in Kodo millet
Ragi for weight loss: Ragi contains an amino acid, Tryptophan which reduces appetite. It has a much higher amount of dietary fiber compared to white rice and other grains. It is also a low fat cereal and most of the fats are in the unsaturated form. This makes it the best choice in grains for people trying to lose weight. The bulkiness of the fibers and the slower digestion rate makes one feel fuller on fewer calories and therefore helps prevent excess caloric consumption.
We have also the structure to help companies who need assitance end help to came in Brazil, install or import their products.