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quality.Our farm is focused on the export of honey, both own production and redeemed by colleagues.I would like to ask if you are interested in buying both organic and ordinary Honey from acacia, rapeseed, lime, sunflower, herbs, coriander?
Thanking you and looking forward to hear from you soon.
Best regards,
Georgi Georgiev
Nous sommes en recherche active de potentiel de fève de cacao certifié FAIRTRADE.
Avec notre plateforme, nous pouvons fournir jusqu'à 5000 tonnes de fèves certifiés.
Nous vous saurons gré de bien vouloir de par votre institution de rentrer en contact avec vos membres à ce propos!
Vous en souhaitant bonne réception et dans l'attente de vous,
Veuillez trouvez ici Mme/M l'expression de nos sincères dispositions à une franche collaboration future.
+225 01 01 44 13 53 / 07 09 73 23 58
Tioga and Camorosa variety,
Packed in 10kg cartons
- cut
- tea bag cut
- whole leaves
Organic Lemon Balm (Melissa)
- cut
- tea bag cut
Organic Spearmint
- cut
- tea bag cut
Organic Peppermint
- cut
- tea bag cut
Organic French Tarragon
- cut
- finecut
- cut
- tea bag cut
- whole leaves
Organic Lemon Balm (Melissa)
- cut
- tea bag cut
Organic Spearmint
- cut
- tea bag cut
Organic Peppermint
- cut
- tea bag cut
Organic French Tarragon
- cut
- finecut
hard red wheat
yellow pea
4010 pea
yellow blossom sweet clover
Packaging = 25 kg, 1000 kg polywoven tote/bag
98% purity min. / 85% germ min.
We carry various varieties of Western wheat classes for production of bread, feed, and ethanol markets. The seed we sell meets and surpasses the regulatory standards for certified seed.
To sell certified seed we must prove to you that the quality, germination, vigour and overall agronomics of the variety are worth your money over farm saved seed. We believe that the only way to prove this is by consistently providing seed at a level that is not only of high visual quality, but directly produce better results.
Our spring wheat seed is top quality. The varieties that we sell were chosen based on each ones agronomic traits and suitability to a given area
Cleaned to buyer specification
Packaging = 25 kg, 1000 kg polywoven tote/bag
GAZELLE SPRING RYE – Certified Organic by Pro-Cert
Yield = 45-70 bushels / acre
Good for lodging
Maturity = 100 days
Height = 103 cm
Protein = 14.5%
Starch = 53.2%
Gazelle rye is slightly less susceptible to ergot than the prolific species it was bred from. The medium straw thickness improves its lodging tolerance.
WINTER RYE – Certified Organic by Pro-Cert
Yield = 50-60 bushels / acre
Allelopathic nature – produces biochemical that influence and reduce weed competition
Conventional parentage
No Treatment
Packaging – Bulk hopper, mini tote, 50 lb. or 25 kg bag
Can be used as a cover crop, for grazing or for grain production.
We are one of the leading manufacturers and exporters of dried fruits and nuts in Iran and Unique is our Trademark. Our slogan is "actions speak louder than words" which will achieve the vision of "Unique in MiddleEast"
There are different varieties of Iranian Raisins; Golden Raisins, Sultana Raisins (Superior Qualily-Dark color / Light color - Malayer) Black Raisins and Green Raisins. The advantage of Iranian Raisins is principally its price, minerads and different methods of price, mine rals and processing, and that's the reason why Iranian Raisins minerals are amongst the finest raisins in the world.
Unique ® supplying and exporting 6 kind of Raisins:
Golden Raisins (Angori)
Sultana Raisins (light / dark)
Malayer Raisins
Golden Kashmary Raisins
Green Raisins
Sun-Dried Raisins