Offres de vente
Coordonnées de la société

Civilité | Monsieur |
Nom | Marro |
Prénom | Jordi |
Fonction | |
Adresse | C/Nivera |
Adresse (2) | |
Ville | Tortosa |
Code postal | 43500 |
Pays | Espagne |
Téléphone | 003497504063 |
Fax |
Détails de l'offre
Céréales (blé, orge, maïs, épeautre) | |
Description | IntemaBio offers a wide range of completely organic products. Here you can see a small sample of all of them. Barley A cereal used primarily in the production of beer and as livestock feed. Malting barley Barley that has been specifically processed to produce malt, a key ingredient in brewing beer. Durum wheat A type of wheat that is high in gluten and is used primarily for making pasta and semolina. Bread wheat Wheat used to produce bread and other bakery products. Soft wheat A type of wheat with a lower gluten content, suitable for making cakes, cookies, and other confectionery products. Rye A hardy grain used to produce rye bread and whiskey. Triticale A hybrid of wheat and rye, grown primarily as livestock fodder. White oats A type of oats commonly used in animal feed and in the manufacture of breakfast foods. Blonde oats A type of oats that has a more intense flavour and is used mainly in animal feed. Spelt An ancient grain of wheat that has gained popularity in recent years due to its nutritional profile. Rice A widely consumed grain around the world, used as a staple food in many cultures. Corn A versatile cereal used for human and animal nutrition, as well as in the production of biofuels and other industrial products. Mixtures of various cereals Combinations of different cereals that are used to create custom blends according to specific needs. |
Categorie | Céréales dérivés |
Marque | |
Validité | |
Anonyme | 0 |
Emballage | |
Incoterms | CFR-COST AND FREIGHT (...named port of destination) |
Origine | Espagne |
Certification | Other |
Date de certification | |
Conditionnement | |
Date limite de consommation | 0000-00-00 |
Date limite de vente | 0000-00-00 |