Successful Anuga 2009 strengthens the market

The 30th Anuga generated high-powered market momentum for the food industry in Germany and abroad. That was the conclusion reached by the organizers and exhibitors at the end of the sector's leading global trade fair. "Anuga clearly demonstrated its leading role as a central trade hub and information platform for the international food industry," said Gerald Böse, Chief Executive Officer of Koelnmesse GmbH. "The outstanding quality of the trade fair resulted in a great atmosphere and excellent business. Against the background of a difficult overall economic situation, the market-oriented trade fair concept of Anuga once again impressed everyone involved."

Approximately 153,500 trade visitors from more than 180 countries came to the fair, with 61 per cent (about 93,500) coming from abroad. These figures were slightly lower than those for the previous event, but they remained stable overall. The number of exhibitors - 6,522 suppliers from 97 countries - also remained unchanged at its previous high level. In addition, the sector enhanced its image by focusing on the topics of corporate social responsibility (CSR) and sustainability. Moreover, the supporting programme strongly highlighted future-oriented issues.

Anuga 2009 was officially opened by EU Vice President Günter Verheugen in the presence of numerous prominent guests from the realms of politics and business. Turkey, the partner country of this year's Anuga, successfully presented all the facets of its high-powered capabilities in the food sector. Read more about it in the final report or just have a look at our trailer which shows why Anuga is so special.

The next Anuga will take place from 8th to 12th October 2011. We look forward to seeing you in Cologne!
All Wex




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Inter Bio Bretagne
