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During the sugar making process, juice extracted from sugarcane is boiled down until the sugar crystallizes. This is then further processed in a centrifugal machine to separate the crystal and the left over liquid. This liquid is referred to as molasses. Our Molasses is rich, viscous and high in vitamins and mineral contents. It offers the best nutrients and has versatile usage in industries like baking, alcohol or sugar.
La société SERENIGY est ouverte dans 47 pays et livre les DOM TOM
Roasted coffee
Various roasted
Descaffeinated (swiss water)
FOB Veracruz
CIF Destination harbor
DAT Destination airport
Fairly Traded Organic's sugar operations have been producing organic certified raw sugar cane in Paraguay South America since 1994 and the mill is the oldest continuously operating organic sugar mill in the world. Our mill is also one of only 3 in the world to produce sugar that is both organic and Fair Trade certified.
All of our organic raw cane sugars and sugar products are GMO-free and are certified organic under USDA/NOP, JAS (Japan), EU 2092/91, and Bio Suisse (Switzerland) standards and regulations. All of our sugar products are also Kosher certified and can be Fair Trade certified.