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We prefer to source from countries within the EU.
Special interest.
- affordable textile basics
- innovative materials, e.g. organic coated (waterproof) farics.
- innovative household products and gadgets.
We prefer to source from countries within the EU.
Special interest.
- affordable textile basics
- innovative materials, e.g. organic coated (waterproof) farics.
- innovative household products and gadgets.
We prefer to source from countries within the EU.
We want to create our original blend herb tea, and it would be even better if you could blend the herbs for us at your side.
We may not be able to import a large quantity of herbs at a time.
However, if your products are very good in quality and if we like them, it is very likely we will have a longer and steady relationship with you.
We look forward to hearing from you as soon as possible.
300 litres avec une perspective de 1 000 litres.
We do business at the top end of the market, and any suppliers must produce to a very high standard.
Si oui, merci de me transmettre une grille tarifaire dégressive départ ou franco notre site en ESPAGNE : Horticola del Ebro - 31522 MONTEAGUDO.