Invitation to sponsor the IFOAM International Conference on Marketing of Organic and Regional Values, August 26-28 2007, Schwäbisch Hall , Germany .

IFOAM conferences are unparalleled opportunities to promote your activities and to fully enjoy the benefits from all the promotion and communication you should be with us from the very beginning.

The conference on “Marketing of Organic and Regional Values” will focus on specific marketing strategies that will give value to products by taking into consideration their uniqueness. It will deal with the question of how to create and identify regional and other specific values, and ultimately how to translate these values into successful marketing strategies that protect organic product identity, traditional knowledge and biodiversity.

The conference is organized by Organic Services and Ecoland in cooperation with IFOAM and supported by Bäuerliche Erzeugergemeinschaft Schwäbisch Hall and BioFach.

Find information about the conference program and additional information under

The promotion campaign starts now including the distribution of our conference brochure together with the 2007 IFOAM Directory (mailing list contains about 700 IFOAM members in over a 100 countries). In addition about 3000 qualified trade contacts and information multipliers receive a conference announcement. We will continue to give all our contacts regular conference updates until the conference date and all communication activities will point recipients directly to the conference website on which your company logo will be published. All announcements will include a hyperlink to the conference website. The IFOAM Website counts about 14.000 visits a month.

We hope you will consider becoming a sponsor of the 1st IFOAM International Conference on Marketing of Organic and Regional Values. Please, find detailed information on sponsoring this event and also a sponsorship contract in the document attached to this mail.


Mildred Steidle Angela B. Caudle

Organic Services DirectorIFOAM Executive Director

Conference Organizer:

Organic Services GmbH

Landsberger Str. 527

81241 München , Germany

Tel: +49 (0) 89 820 759-07 Fax: -19

in cooperation with


Charles-de-Gaulle-Str. 5

53113 Bonn , Germany

Tel: +49 (0) 228 92650-10 Fax: -99





Agence Bio



Inter Bio Bretagne
