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We have developed a Productive Network of Organic Grains with more than 1894 small producers and 60 businesses; integrating more than 18,953 hectares certified for production in 17 states of Mexico.
We work with 7 Certified Processing Plants distributed in different parts of the country, ensuring the supply of the products required by our customers, ensuring that the requirements of final consumers and the various agencies that support us are met.
We have integrated a distribution system without intermediaries, allowing us to offer highly competitive prices.

We have developed a Production Network with over 900 small producers and 60 business; integrating over 7,000 hectares certified for production in 15 states of Mexico. During each production cycle we make sure to select the best area for each crop, performing different tests to ensure the absence of pesticides and pathogens.
We have four Certified Processing Plants distributed in different parts of the country, ensuring the supply of the products required by our customers. In these plants perform tests to ensure that the requirements of the end users and the various agencies that support us are fulfilled.
Our production processes are geared to meeting the standards set by International Certification Agencies, among which include Organic Crop Improvement Association (US); Bioagricert (Italy), Quality Kosher Supervisors and soon the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP).
We have integrated a Distribution System without intermediaries, allowing us to offer highly competitive prices. Team Logistics and Customs Agencies associated enable us to ensure timely delivery of our products.

More than 125 in our catalogue.
We form a consolidated human team with extensive experience in international trade that has customer service and respect for the environment as the basis of our service.

Arracacha, with its pleasant flavour, contains vitamins, minerals and other micronutrients. It is especially rich in such minerals as calcium and iron, and Vitamin B3 (niacin), exceeding their content in other tubers and roots such as potato and manioc. The roots contain an easily digestible starch. The bright yellow roots are an undoubted source of Vitamin A.

Maca is a powerful root from the Peruvian Andes, especially the High Plateau of Junin, used as a food and health source for thousands of years before the Inca period. With its high glucosinolate and macamide content it increases energy levels, and combats physical and mental fatigue and stress. It is important for sportsmen and women because of its effect on physical resistance and mental clarity. It balances the diet, giving protection from manutrition, and raises the libido.

These have been consumed since Pre-Incan times, they are popular because of their unique flavour (sweet and sour), and significant health benefits. They contain vitamins A and C and bioflavonoids, which give them anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant and diuretic properties. They are also a natural tranquillizer.

This is one of the world´s richest sources of NATURAL vitamin C. It raises the spirits, strengthens the immunological and nervous systems, and is a potent antioxidante. It keeps eyes, skin and gums healthy. It helps to maintain a healthy level of white blood corpuscules and detox the body.

The scarce criollo variety, known as "The King of Cacao", is much valued for the fine, high quality flavour and fragrance of its beans. Cacao is not just an ingredient but also a SUPERFOOD, being one of the best antioxidants because of its high polyphenol content (Epicatequines). It has a high mineral content and is well known as a natural anti-depressant and aphrodisiac.

Arracacha, with its pleasant flavour, contains vitamins, minerals and other micronutrients. It is especially rich in such minerals as calcium and iron, and Vitamin B3 (niacin), exceeding their content in other tubers and roots such as potato and manioc. The roots contain an easily digestible starch. The bright yellow roots are an undoubted source of Vitamin A.

The smallholders, processing staff and their families should receive a fair price for their products and services. They should be able to lead a dignified life with their earnings and have opportunities to develop independently. Organic agriculture helps to improve soil fertility in the growing regions and to protect biodiversity in the long term.

- Organic cinnamon
- Organic cloves and clove stems
- Organic curcuma flakes/powder
- Organic ginger flakes dried/organic ginger fresh
- Organic cocoa bean shells