Ofertas de venta
Detalle de la empresa
Tadepharma LTD | |
Denominación | Señor |
Apellido | Milen |
Nombre | Donev |
Función | |
Dirección | Pirin str.10 |
Dirección2 | |
Ciudad | Novi Pazar |
Código Postal | 9900 |
País | Bulgaria |
Teléfono | 00359889121009 |
Fax |
Detalle de la oferta
Verduras frescas | |
Descripción | CERTIFIED PRODUCER OF ORGANIC VEGETABLES Long European cucumbers Defense F1, Enza Zaden, the Netherlands Defense differs from most varieties with its extremely vigorous growth. Thanks to it, Defense overcomes dark periods and fruiting recovers very quickly. Fruit length: 34 – 37 cm. Weight 270 g – 350 g. Deep dark green fruit colour. Resistances: CMV, Cca, Ccu, Px. Delano F1, Enza Zaden, the Netherlands Delano is a hybrid, created after Defense, for spring, summer and autumn production. It is a fast growing and CMV resistant variety. Its two most important features are fast growth and CMV resistance. Ribbed fruit with saturated dark green colour. Fruit length: 33 – 35 cm. Columbia F1 Clause Columbia F1 is a medium early greenhouse variety, grown all year-round. Long cylindrical fruit up to 35 cm with dark green colour. It is resistant to extremely high summer temperatures. Fruit length: 30 – 35 cm. Resistances: CMV, Px, Cladiosporiosis. Beef meaty tomatoes Berberana F1, Enza Zaden, the Netherlands An early variety with a strong and compact growth. Extremely uniform fruit, 250-300 g, with a perfect deep red color, hardness and excellent taste. Do not form core at high temperatures. The plant is strong, with good leaf cover and vigorous growth. Fruit does not become smaller even after the seventh truss. Resistances: ToMV, Ff, Va, Vd, Fol, TSWV, MaMiMj. Pink tomato HTP-11 F1 Hazera HTP-11 F1 is a new indeterminate pink tomato, selected by Hazera. The hybrid is suitable for growing in both heated and non-heated greenhouses. The plant is compact with short internodes. Uniform fruit, 5-6 fruit per truss with average weight of 260-300 g; very tasty. Deep pink fruit without a green ring. The hybrid is not sensitive to high spring or summer temperatures. Resistances: cracking and Vd, Fol1, ToMV, Mj, TSWV. Fruit weight: 260 – 330 g. |
Categoría | Frutas y verduras |
Nombre del producto | |
Fecha de actualización | |
Anónima | 0 |
Packaging | |
Condiciones de expedición | CFR-COST AND FREIGHT (...named port of destination) |
País de origen | Bulgaria |
Certificación | Other |
Fecha de obtención de la certificación | |
Condicionamiento | |
Fecha límite de consumo | 0000-00-00 |
Fecha límite de venta | 0000-00-00 |