
Ingredients bio

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Autres ingredients
Description : Organic Avocado Powder
Matières premières pour cosmétique
Description : Organic Freeze Dried Avocado Powder
Lacon Gmbh
Autres ingredients
Description : MRT Organic Green Products, most reliable and resourceful international supplier of Natural Ingredients with decade of expertise in Spices & Herbs, Essential oils, Spice Oleoresin, Dehydrated Vegetables, Freeze Dried Vegetables & Spices, Mints and Allied Products, Floral Concretes and Absolutes backed with strong supply chain management both in Raw Material and finished products.

With a rising demand in the world market for pesticide free and GMO Free pure natural food products, MRT took an initiative of organic methods of of cultivation through its group of Farmers. We promote organic farming and has got a strong supply chain of organic raw material, which enable us to produce Organic Certified Products. Our Organic range of product includes: Spices, Herbs, Essential oils, Ayurvedic Oils, Herbs & Herbal Powders, Glycerin, Vegetable Oils, Ghee& Honey, Organic Foods, Herbal Extracts, C02 Exracts, Floral Waters, Butters & Waxesetc.

Consistency in quality and competitiveness is our core strength and our reliability in supplying trusted natural ingredient is our major achievement. Our vision is an organic world for all where mind, body and spirit are sustained naturally.

All our Organic products reach to our customers with stringent NPOP, NOP & EU Standards quality Certified by LACON, Germany.
Matières premières pour cosmétique
Description : Huile de graines de Figue de Barbarie
Huile d'Argan
Huile de Nigelle
Matières premières pour cosmétique
Description : Med-Exoil supply an extensive range of natural Ingredients procured from our plantations and from our network of reputable supplier of raw materials around the world. Our range includes specialty vegetable oils high efficiency and a new range of exfoliant.
Autres ingredients
Description : 1, Organic super greens.

2, Organic plant protein.

3, Organic fruit & vegetable powder.

4, Organic prebiotics.

5, Organic nuts.
Matières premières pour cosmétique
Description : Beneficios del aceite Moringa Oleíco
El componente principal del aceite de moringa, son los ésteres triglicéridos de ácido oleico. Aparte de aceite de moringa, también se pueden encontrar en las semillas de uva, aceite de canola y aceite de oliva.
Efectos positivos del ácido oleico en el cuerpo humano

El ácido oleico es un ácido graso insaturado se encuentra predominantemente en los productos vegetales y tiene la capacidad de disminuir la presión sanguínea y el nivel de colesterol en el cuerpo. Son muchos los beneficios del ácido oleíco, algunos de los cuales se enumeran de la siguiente manera:
1. El ácido oleico es un ácido graso insaturado cuyas moléculas son más grandes y tienen una tendencia a deslizarse unas sobre otras sin unión con otras moléculas, asegurando así el flujo libre en la sangre sin formar placas que bloqueen las arterias.
2. Este triglicérido es una de las fuentes de colesterol bueno, ya que ayuda a reducir el nivel total de colesterol “malo” en el cuerpo. También reduce los niveles de lipoproteínas de baja densidad (LDL) o colesterol malo y aumenta los niveles de lipoproteína de alta densidad (HDL) o colesterol bueno, que se requiere para la salud general del individuo.
3. Es rico en antioxidantes que ayudan en la lucha contra los efectos de los radicales libres en el cuerpo. También estimula el sistema inmunológico, así como combate las enfermedades para poder mantenernos saludables
4. Fortalece la integridad de la membrana celular y ayuda en la reparación de las células y los tejidos dañados.
5. Se aumenta la potencia de memoria y optimiza las funciones del cerebro y la transmisión neurológica.
6. El ácido oleico es un ingrediente importante en los medicamentos utilizados para obstruir el avance de la adrenoleucodistrofia (ALD), que es una enfermedad mortal que afecta las glándulas del cerebro y las glándulas suprarrenales.
7. Mejora el funcionamiento del corazón y sistema circulatorio.
8. El ácido oleico también inhibe el crecimiento de las células cancerosas reduciendo así el riesgo de padecer la enfermedad, especialmente cáncer de mama. Bloquea la acción de HER-2/neu, un oncogén que causa cáncer el cual se encuentra en alrededor del 30% de los pacientes con cáncer de mama.
9. Reduce la inflamación de las articulaciones y otras complicaciones relacionadas con la artritis.
10. Este ácido graso esencial actúa como un refuerzo de energía para las diferentes funciones del cuerpo.
11. Los ácidos grasos mono-insaturados ayudan a perder peso.
12. También ayuda a disminuir los síntomas del asma.
13. Reduce la obstrucción y endurecimiento de las arterias, también conocido como arterioesclerosis.
14. Reduce la resistencia de la insulina lo que mejora la glucosa (azúcar en la sangre) de mantenimiento.
15. Baja el nivel de colesterol en el cuerpo reduciendo así el riesgo de enfermedades cardiovasculares como derrame cerebral, presión arterial alta, angina de pecho (dolor en el pecho) y la insuficiencia cardiaca.
16. Como ingrediente en los productos cosméticos que actúa como una crema hidratante y proporciona a la piel suave y flexible que se ilumina con la salud.
17. La aplicación de aceite de moringa en el cabello hace que crezca más grueso y más fuerte, por lo que está empezando a ser utilizado en la industria cosmética
Autres ingredients
Description : The Green Labs is proud to offer organic powders, extracts, oils, herbs and other highly qualified organic ingredients. These ingredients are healthy, nutritious and 100% natural. It’s important to know that by using organic ingredients you do not only help avoid risky chemicals and pesticides, but also help support local farmers and companies whose purpose is to provide a deliciously fresh and natural way to supplement your diet. Our selection of organic ingredients can be used in a variety of ways; it can be incorporated in your formulations, shakes, products, etc. They are filled with vitamins, minerals, proteins and enzymes, all necessary for the best outcome in your projects.
Autres ingredients
Description : bonjour à tous,

nous venons juste d'installer une ferme bio de 12 ha à 50 km de n'djamena la capitale du tchad.
amoureux et protecteur de la nature, cette ferme a pour vocation la lutte contre la désertification, la malnutrition...
en effet le but principal est de créer,de maintenir l'employabilité sociale des femmes, des jeunes, développer l'agroforesterie, l’énergie verte etc...
nous n'utilisons pas d'energie fossile, 100% solaire et des engrais vert avec association des cultures tel que fixateur d'azote et fournisseur des pailles.
actuellement nous avons mis en place la culture des feuilles de moringa, de graines et des racines. nous sommes capable de fournir une quantité importante à travers le monde. pour toute information complémentaire,
vous pouvez me contacter au 0033695420194 ( france) et 0023560756410 (tchad).
vous pouvez égalemen m'écrire sur ou
adresse complète en france:
gassi ibrahim gassi
9 a rue de la mairie
notre dame d'oe- france
vous pouvez me tweeter, regarder les photos et les vidéos sur gassi

cordialement vert,


dear all,

we have just insalled a farm near n'djamena the capital of tchad about 50 km.
lover and protecteur of nature, the farm has the principal view , how struggle again desertification and malnultriction....
the best important motivation is to create activities and jobs to the local habitant, women and young people,
to develop agroforetery and green energy. at the moment we use solar energy to irigate and we plant the green fertilizer without any chimical composition.
we plants moringa that we sell the leaves (moringa leaves), moringa seeds and moringa oil.
we are able of provide high quantity .
if you need more information, visit farm, please contact us to 0033695420194 (france) or 0023560756410 ( tchad). ou
tweet me, watch vidéos and photos in gassi
thank you

green regards,

Autres ingredients
Description : Raw Materials
Sirius is specialized in obtaining and producing 100% pure and organic essential oils and essential vanilla.

Essential oils and floral essences

CO2 extracts
Extracts (resins, alcoholic, poultices…)
Vanilla, spices and medicinal herbs …
Matières premières pour cosmétique
Description : We are a Moroccan company specialized in the production and the commercialization of culinary and cosmetic argan oil. We are looking for serious wholesalers, distributors or buyers.

Of exceptional quality, our oil, certified Ecocert (NOP and BRC certifications are being), is obtained by cold pressure from argan almonds carefully selected from organic farming.

Specific in its composition exceptionally rich in oleic, linoleic fatty acids (45%)and antioxidants , argan oil is beneficial and can be used in dietetic, cosmetic and medicinal product.

Apart from argan oil, we can also offer prickly pear oil, cactus oil, cumin oil and sesame oil.

Depending in your choice, our oils can be sold in bulk or conditioned by our own care in our production units.

Observing a strict laboratory charter our production units fully meet international standards in terms of safety.

A complete range of cosmetic based on argan oil including slimming capsules will be available soon.
Description : Vanilla beans - Mix Grade

Packing - Vacuum sealed bags

All certificates availabe on request
Autres ingredients
Description : We offer bulk coconut palm sugar, certified organic and conventional.

Plastic or paper bags of 25 KG.
Autres ingredients
Description : We produce a wide range of natural (Natu), organic (Sipal) and tailor-made ingredients offering a multitude of sweetening and technical functionalities for all agri-food sectors.

A family-run Belgian company, we can boast a long track record and an in-depth knowledge of the industrial dimension of the agri-food business, with over 20 years' experience in the organic sector. Meurens Natural is able to meet the most stringent specifications and standards applicable to the food sector: Organic, Kosher, non-allergenic, Baby Food, GMO-free, Fair Trade, Clean Label, Whole grain, ISO 22000 & ISO 9001, etc.
Matières premières pour cosmétique
Description : We are producers and suppliers of Moabi Butter (Soft Shea Butter),
Coconut Oil, Cocoa Butter, Bush Mango Butter. For generations, these
products have been used and cherished for skin and hair care. As an
organic cosmetic company yourself, we do not need to restate their
values here.

We also specialize in natural African botanicals and the sourcing
thereof, for the Pharmaceutical, Cosmetic, Nutraceutical, Personal
Care & Health Foods industries.

We bring into the market new products with very peculiar cosmetic
values such as Moabi Butter (perfect alternative for Shea Butter),
Bush Mango Butter (Ogbono), Allanblackia Oil, Rafia Oil, Mbalaka Oil
(pentaclethra macrophylla) and a long list of botanicals.

Our products are unrefined, cold pressed grade A products,100% natural
that meet international standards of quality. Our production process
follow certification requirements from the Rainforest Alliance to
guarantee that our final products meet international standards. These
products are also analysed at the CENTRE PASTEUR in Yaoundé Cameroon
(Centre Pasteur is an internationally recognised laboratory)

We work directly with forest communities who previously depended on
other harmful activities for survival, With us they are empowered
financially thus saving our environment and fostering sustainable
development. We are committed to Fair Trade Practices. By purchasing
from us, you can be sure that:

You are providing economic support to poor rural communities.
You are helping to conserve the biodiversity of Cameroon.
Every producer has been fairly treated and paid a fair price.
Every product has been sustainably harvested.
Every product has a rich African heritage.
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Inter Bio Bretagne
